Advocacy Actions

2019-03-15 > Shanghai

Meeting with Business Finland on Europe-China Research and Development Cooperation

The Research and Development Working Group held a Position Paper Discussion and Chair Election Working Group Meeting on Friday, 15th March 2019, 9:30-12:00 at the European Chamber Shanghai Office. Ms Elisa Yu, Senior Advisor of Innovation of Business Finland attended this meeting’s panel discussion on Europe-China R&D cooperation from the view of Finland.

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2019-03-11 > South China

European Chamber South China Chapter Meeting with CCPIT Xiamen Committee

On March 11th, Vice Chairman of CCPIT Xiamen Mr. Yan Zhiping led a delegation of 4 visited the European Chamber South China Chapter office and met with Mr. Peter Helis, Vice Chair of European Chamber South China Chapter and a board member company representiative. During the meeting, CCPIT introduced the advantagous indutries in Xiamen and expressed strong interest to work with the European Chamber in bringing member delegations to Xiamen.

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2019-03-11 > Shanghai

Meeting with China Quality Supervising and Test Center for Gas Appliances, Federation of German Heating Industry and European Heating Industry Association on Condensing Technology

On 11th March 2019, Europe China Heating Initiative (European Chamber's Heating Sub-Working Group) has successfully arranged a meeting with Mr Wang Qi, Director of China Quality Supervising and Test Center for Gas Appliances at ISH Frankfurt 2019. Delegates from European Heating Industry Association and Federation of the German Heating Industry also participated in this meeting.

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2019-03-08 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the General Administration of Customs on Notice of the General Administration of Customs on the Inspection, Supervision and Administration of Import and Export Pre-packaged Food Labels (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group, Cheese Industry Desk and Paediatric Nutrition Desk have submitted comments on the Notice of the General Administration of Customs on the Inspection, Supervision and Administration of Import and Export Pre-packaged Food Labels (Draft for Comments).

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2019-03-07 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on MOT’s Administrative Measures for the Safety of Road Transport of Dangerous Goods (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber welcomes the decision of the Ministry of Transport to publicly call for comments on the Administrative Measures for the Safety of Road Transport of Dangerous Goods (Draft for Comments). The Administrative Measures for the Safety of Road Transport of Dangerous Goods (Draft for Comments) (hereinafter referred to as Administrative Measures) fully consider the cooperation needs among competent authorities on the dangerous goods management and has a good consistency with the JT/T 617 series standards.

However, certain issues of significance remain, while the Administrative Measures still lack or fail to clarify certain basic aspects governing the safety of road transport of dangerous goods.

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2019-03-03 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) on Personal Information Security Specification (Draft)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments on TC260's Personal Information Security Specification (Draft).

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2019-02-25 > Shanghai

Meeting with World Shipping Council Asia and Shanghai Shipping Exchange on International Liner Shipping Industry Developments

On 25 February 2019, the European Chamber International Liner Shipping Working Group met with Mr. Tim Wickmann, Managing Director of the World Shipping Council (WSC) Asia, who introduced to members the newly established WSC Asia Office and his views on the shipping industry, and with Mr. Zhang Ye, President of the Shanghai Shipping Exchange (SSE), who introduced the latest regulatory developments related to the shipping industry put forward by the Ministry of Transport, as well as the priorities on the task list of the SSE.

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2019-02-22 > All chapters

Comments to NPC on the Foreign Investment Law (Draft)

On February 22, the European Chamber, on behalf of members companies, submitted the collated Comments on the draft Foreign Investment Law to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPCSC).

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2019-02-22 > All chapters

Meeting with Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee and SCOFCOM on the Draft Foreign Investment Law

On February 22, 2019, the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce hosted a symposium to solicit opinions on the draft Foreign Investment Law. Representative of the European Chamber's Legal & Competition Working Group attended the symposium and presented members’ feedback and concerns.

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2019-02-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Dinner Meeting with EU Delegation Minister Counsellor for Health and Food Safety on Pharmaceutical Industry Developments in China

Dinner Meeting with EU Delegation Minister Counsellor for Health and Food Safety on Pharmaceutical Industry Developments in China

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