Advocacy Actions

2023-06-30 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with representatives from ERT

On 30th June European Chamber President Jens Eskelund met with representatives from the European Round Table of Industrialists.

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2023-06-30 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with the China team at DG TRADE

On 30th June European Chamber President met with the DG TRADE China team.

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2023-06-29 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with MEP Iuliu Winkler

On 29th June, European Chamber President Jens Eskelund met with Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Vice-Chair of the Committee for International Trade (INTA) and Chair of the Committee's China Monitoring Group Iuliu Winkler.

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2023-06-29 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets MEP Reinhard Buetikofer

On 29th June, European Chamber President Jens Eskelund met with Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and Chair of the Parliament's Delegation for Relations with China Reinhard Buetikofer.

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2023-06-29 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with Director-General for DG GROW Kerstin Jorna

On 29th June European Chamber President Jens Eskelund met with Director-General of DG GROW Ms Kerstin Jorna.

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2023-06-29 > All chapters

European Chamber President Jens Eskelund presents the Business Confidence Survey to members of Business Europe and EUCBA

On 29th June, European Chamber President Jens Eskelund presented the last edition of the Chamber's Business Confidence Survey in a joint event with BUSINESSEUROPE and EUCBA.

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2023-06-28 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with EEAS Secretary General Sannino

On 28th June, European Chamber President Jens Eskelund met with Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Stefano Sannino.

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2023-06-13 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets Director for Asia and Oceania at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 13th June European Chamber President Jens Eskelund met with Karin Mössenlechner, Director for Asia and Oceania at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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2023-06-10 > Tianjin

DDG of Tianjin Commerce Bureau He Zhineng Delivered an Opening Speech at 3rd Football Tournament of Tianjin Chapter

On 10 June 2023, He Zhineng, Deputy Director General of Tianjin Commerce Bureau participated in the opening of Tianjin Chapter 3rd Football Tournament and delivered a speech. He recognized the important role of the European Chamber for the local business environment and highlighted the positive spirits brought by the community activities organized by the Tianjin Chapter. Dr. Christoph Schrempp, Chair of Tianjin Chapter and Mr. Bernd Averes, Vice Chair of Tianjin Chapter, Ms. Catherine Guo, General Manager of Tianjin Chapter participated the opening ceremony.

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2023-05-31 > National

Comments to the National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) on Drafting Instruction of Technical Guidelines for Filling Cosmetics Ingredients Safety Information Submission Platform

The cosmetic working group submitted comments to the National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) on the Drafting Instruction of Technical Guidelines for Filling Cosmetics Ingredients Safety Information Submission Platform on 31st May.

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