Advocacy Actions

2024-04-07 > Shanghai

European Chamber Roundtable with Lingang Data Division

On 7th April, the European Chamber and the Data Division of the Lingang Management Committee held a roundtable in Lingang to discuss the Lingang’s pilot measures for the cross-border data transfer (CBDT).

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2024-03-27 > All chapters

European Chamber Secretary General Meets Assistant Minister of IDCPC

On 27th March, Secretary General Adam Dunnett attended a closed-door roundtable hosted by Assistant Minister Zhao Shitong of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC), to provide feedback on China’s business environment.

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2024-03-26 > Beijing, Shanghai

Participated a meeting on optimization measures discussion for full safety assessment implementation led NMPA

Participated a meeting on optimization measures discussion for full safety assessment implementation led NMPA

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2024-03-26 > All chapters

European Chamber meets the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province

On 26th March 2024, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China participated a roundtable discussion hosted by Director General Zhang Jinsong of the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province in Beijing.

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2024-03-22 > Beijing, Shanghai

The Consumable and Disposable Medical Device Advisory Committee and the COCIR Registration Affairs Taskforce Submitted a Letter to the National Medical Products Administration on the Issues of Product Service Life and Dynamic Management

The Consumable and Disposable Medical Device Advisory Committee and the COCIR Registration Affairs Taskforce have written to the National Medical Products Administration. They expressed concern about equating a product's service life with product failure, clarifying that the term "service life" should be interpreted as "expected service life". They also proposed that medical device end users should be allowed to manage the "expected service life" of their devices dynamically, potentially extending the use of products beyond their "expected service life" based on regular evaluations and maintenance records.

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2024-03-22 > Beijing, Shanghai

WG Chair participated the Full safety assessment meeting with NMPA & NIFDC

Full safety assessment meeting with NMPA & NIFDC

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2024-03-21 > Beijing, Shanghai

Feedback Submitted to Chongqing Municipal Healthcare Security Administration on Chongqing Basic Medical Insurance Payment Methods by Disease Related Group (DRG) (Draft for Comments)

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group provided feedback to the Chongqing Municipal Healthcare Security Administration on Chongqing Basic Medical Insurance Payment Methods by Disease Related Group (DRG) (Draft for Comments).

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2024-03-21 > Beijing, Shanghai

Seminar with China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)

The COCIR Desk had a meeting with the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) on the 21st of March.

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2024-03-20 > Southwest China

Meeting with Chongqing Economic Development Zone Government

On 20th March, the European Chamber Southwest China Board Vice Chair and Chongqing Representative, Mr. Leo Zhang had a meeting with Deputy Director of the Chongqing Zone Management Committee, Tan Hao.

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2024-03-20 > All chapters

Feedback on cross-sectoral advocacy priorities submitted to the Dutch Embassy and Consulate

On 20th March, ahead of a high level Dutch government delegation visit to China, the European Chamber submitted feedback on key cross-sectoral advocacy issues for European Industry.

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