Advocacy Actions

2020-01-02 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to SAMR on Opinions on Regulating the Use of Rapid Food Testing (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber very much welcomes the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR)'s decision to collect opinions on the "Opinions on Regulating the Use of Rapid Food Testing (Draft for Comments)". Upon careful study of this notice, the European Chamber Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group, Paediatric Nutrition Working Group, Food for Special Medical Purposes Working Group, and Cheese Working Group have collated all member inputs and submitted them to the SAMR for their consideration.

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2011-05-05 > All chapters

Meeting with French Minister of European Affairs

On the 5th May 2011, the European Chamber met with the French Minister responsible for European Affairs, Mr. Laurent Wauquiez. The meeting was chaired by President Davide Cucino. The main issues discussed during this meeting were the status and concerns of European business operating in China.

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2011-04-21 > All chapters

Meeting with Supervisory Cooperation Department, China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)

Meeting with Supervisory Cooperation Department, China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)

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2010-05-25 > All chapters

Position Paper and Chamber Presentation to Finish CEOs and diplomats as part of the visit of Finish President H.E. Ms. Tarja Halonen

EUCCC Senior Business Manager Alex Bell made a presentation about the Position Paper and the Chamber to Finish CEOS and diplomats on May 25th.

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2010-05-21 > All chapters

Meeting with China Petroleum and Chemical Industrial Federation

On 21st May, Deputy Director Wang met representatives from PCR Working Group of the European Chamber of Commerce inBeijing.

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2010-05-17 > All chapters

Conference Call with Members of SOGIS-MRA regarding China’s Information Security Policies

On May 17th, the Information Security Working Group had a conference call with members of SOGIS-MRA.

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2010-05-13 > All chapters

Lunch Meeting with European Commissioner Vice-President Neelie Kroes

EUCCC had a lunch meeting with European Commissioner Vice-President Neelie Kroes on May 13th on the topic of Business environment for the EU ICT industry in China.

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2010-05-10 > All chapters

Meeting between European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding and representatives of EUCCC industrial firms

Representatives of EUCCC industrial firms had a meeting with European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding on May 10th.

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2010-05-07 > All chapters

Meeting between European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding and representatives of EUCCC professional services firms

Representatives of EUCCC professional services firms had a meeting with European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding on May 7th.

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