Advocacy Actions

2016-10-10 > Beijing, Nanjing

Lobby Letter to Taizhou HFPC on Provisions for Purchasing of Disposable Medical Devices

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted a Lobby Letter to the Department of Drug Policy of Taizhou HFPC on local Provisions for Purchasing of Disposable Medical Devices.

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2016-10-10 > Beijing, Nanjing

Lobby Letter to Nantong HFPC on Provisions for Purchasing of Disposable Medical Devices

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted a Lobby Letter to the Department of Drug Policy of Nantong HFPC (Jiangsu Province) on local Provisions for Purchasing of Disposable Medical Devices.

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2016-09-26 > Beijing, Shanghai

European Chamber Comments on MOT <Implementing Rules of the Regulation on International Maritime Transport (Draft for Comments)> (2nd Round)

European Chamber Comments on MOT <Implementing Rules of the Regulation on International Maritime Transport (Draft for Comments)> (2nd Round)

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2016-09-23 > Beijing, Shanghai

Joint Energy and Carbon Market WG

Jiang Kejung made a presentation about China's committments in reducing CO2 emissions

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2016-09-22 > All chapters

Presentation of the 2016/2017 Position Paper to the French Ambassador

On 22 September 2016, the Vice-President of the European Chamber, Bertrand de la Noue met with the French Ambassador, Maurice Gourdault-Montagne, to present him the 2016/2017 position paper.

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2016-09-21 > Shanghai

Dialogue with Shanghai Customs on Updated Regulation on Customs Audit

European Chamber invited Shanghai Customs to interpret the newly amended Regulation on Customs Audit.

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2016-09-20 > Shanghai

Meeting with Yiwu Vice Mayor on Future Cooperation

Yiwu Vice Mayor visited the European Chamber Shanghai Office and discussed about future cooperation.

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2016-09-14 > Shanghai

Meeting with DDG of Shanghai Customs on 2016/2017 Position Paper

European Chamber Shanghai Delegation met with Mr. Tan Wu, Deputy Director General of Shanghai Customs and presented the newly published 2016/2017 Position Paper.

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2016-09-12 > Shanghai

Meeting with Director General of Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration to Present Position Paper

Meeting with DG of Shanghai Intellectual Administration on 2016/2017 Position Paper

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2016-09-12 > All chapters

EU-China SME Policy Dialogue

On 12 September, European Chamber Deputy Head of Government Affairs and EU SME Senior Policy Advisor Xavier Sans Powell participated in the 7th EU-China SME Policy Dialogue in Brussels.

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