Advocacy Actions

2016-01-22 > All chapters

Comments on SPB's Administrative Regulations and Guiding Catalogue on Forbidden Postal Articles

European Chamber Comments on SPB's Administrative Regulations and Guiding Catalogue on Forbidden Postal Articles

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2016-01-15 > All chapters

Comments on Suggestions of the CPC Central Committee on Drafting the 13th Five-Year Plan of the National Economic and Social Development

The European Chamber submitted comments on the <Suggestions of the CPC Central Committee on Drafting the 13th Five-Year Plan of the National Economic and Social Development> to the NDRC.

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2016-01-14 > Shanghai

Meeting with the MOFCOM

The discussion is mainly about the enforcement of Automotive Sales Administrative Methods

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2016-01-14 > Shanghai

Meeting with the MOT

EUCCC and MOT had a discussion on the implementation of Access to the Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Information Methods

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2016-01-08 > All chapters

European Chamber Comments on CFDA Implementation Provision of Food Safety Law

European Chamber Comments on CFDA Implementation Provision of Food Safety Law

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2016-01-08 > Shanghai

Meeting with Prof. Yang Jianzheng on E-commerce Law

European Chamber Shanghai GA staff met with Prof. Yang Jianzheng, Dean of E-commerce Research Institute of Shanghai Science and Technology University and discussed recent developments of China’s E-commerce Law

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2016-01-05 > Shanghai

European Chamber Shanghai SME Forum Chair Meeting with Vice President of Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board on SME Cooperation

European Chamber Shanghai SME Forum Chair, Mr. Rosario di Maggio paid a visit to Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board and discussed opportunities of cooperation on SME issues between the two organizations.

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2011-05-05 > All chapters

Meeting with French Minister of European Affairs

On the 5th May 2011, the European Chamber met with the French Minister responsible for European Affairs, Mr. Laurent Wauquiez. The meeting was chaired by President Davide Cucino. The main issues discussed during this meeting were the status and concerns of European business operating in China.

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2011-04-21 > All chapters

Meeting with Supervisory Cooperation Department, China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)

Meeting with Supervisory Cooperation Department, China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)

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2010-05-25 > All chapters

Position Paper and Chamber Presentation to Finish CEOs and diplomats as part of the visit of Finish President H.E. Ms. Tarja Halonen

EUCCC Senior Business Manager Alex Bell made a presentation about the Position Paper and the Chamber to Finish CEOS and diplomats on May 25th.

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