Advocacy Actions

2017-11-23 > Shanghai

Meeting with DDG of Huangpu District Commerce Commission on Position Paper

Meeting with DDG of Huangpu District Commerce Commission on Position Paper

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2017-11-21 > Shanghai

European Chamber Speaks at Shanghai CPPCC Annual Briefing on Innovation Environment

European Chamber Shanghai Chapter General Manager speaks at Shanghai CPPCC Annual Briefing on Innovation Environment

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2017-11-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on SCLAO's Amendment of the Drug Administration Law of PRC (Draft for Comments)

Pharmaceutical Working Group Comments on SCLAO's Amendment of the Drug Administration Law of PRC (Draft for Comments)

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2017-11-19 > Beijing, Shanghai

Dinner Meeting with Director General Jerzy Plewa of DG AGRI on Recent Regulatory Developments of F&B Sector in China

Representatives of European Chamber Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group had dinner with DG Plewa of DG AGRI and discussed the latest regulatory developments of food and beverage sector in China.

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2017-11-16 > Shanghai

Meeting with DDG of Shanghai Municipal Government Development Research Center on Business Environment and Position Paper

European Chamber Shanghai Chapter Chair met with DDG of Shanghai Municipal Government Development Research Center and exchanged views on Shanghai's business environment

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2017-11-15 > Shanghai

Meeting with DDG of Shanghai Commission of Commerce on Business Environment and Position Paper

European Chamber Shanghai Chairman hosted Mr. Yang Chao, Deputy Director General of Shanghai Commission of Commerce, and exchanged views on business environment in Shanghai.

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2017-11-09 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai AIC on Professional Whistle Blowers

EUCCC representatives had a meeting with Shanghai AIC for exchanging views on product qualification, standard application and professional claimant behaviors.

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2017-11-06 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Import and Export Food Safety (draft)

Comments on Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Import and Export Food Safety (draft)

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2017-10-27 > Shanghai

Comments on MOT's Administrative Regulations on the Supervision and Management of Dangerous Goods in Ships

European Chamber International Liner Shipping Sub-working Group comments on the Administrative Regulations on the Supervision and Management of Dangerous Goods in Ships

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2017-10-24 > Shanghai

Seminar on Local Business Environment with Shanghai Academy of Development and Reform

Seminar on Local Business Environment with Shanghai Academy of Development and Reform

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