Advocacy Actions

2022-01-25 > All chapters

Meeting with representatives of the China Center for the Promotion of SMEs

On the 25th January 2022, ahead of a Working Group meeting on the topic of the 14th Five-Year Plan on the Development of SMEs, EU SME Centre Director Renzo Isler met with representatives of the China Centre for the Promotion of SME Development (ProSME).

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2022-01-24 > All chapters

Comments submitted to PBoC and SAMR on the Interim Measures for the Management of Information of Beneficial Owners of Market Entities (Draft for Comments).

SAMR (State Administration for Market Regulation) is taking joint effort with the PBOC (People’s Bank of China) on collective opinions upon the Interim Measures for the Management of Information of Beneficial Owners of Market Entities (Draft for Comments).

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2022-01-24 > All chapters

European Chamber Vice President Meets Director-General Yang Yingming of Ministry of Finance

On 24th January, European Chamber Vice President Guido Giacconi led an online meeting—alongside representatives from the Chamber’s Finance and Taxation Working Group, Carbon Market Sub-working Group, Healthcare Equipment Working Group and the Fashion and Leather Desk—with Director-General Yang Yingming of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Finance (MOF), to discuss key issues and present the Chamber’s Position Paper 2021/2022.

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2022-01-21 > All chapters

Comments to National People's Congress (NPC) on the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft Revision)

The European Chamber submitted comments to National People's Congress (NPC) on the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft Revision) on 21st January.

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2022-01-21 > Nanjing

European Chamber Nanjing Chapter Vice Chair Attended the Jiangsu Department of Commerce Dialogue Event

On 21 Jan 21, the vice chair of the European Chamber Nanjing Chapter, Bernhard Weber, attended the dialogue event organized by Jiangsu Department of Commerce.

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2022-01-19 > Nanjing

Meeting with Nanjing Foreign Affairs Office

On Jan 19 2022, Dr Andreas Risch, chair of the European Chamber Nanjing Chapter, led a delegation visited Mr Xia Yan, Deputy Director General of Nanjing Foreign Affairs Office.

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2011-05-05 > All chapters

Meeting with French Minister of European Affairs

On the 5th May 2011, the European Chamber met with the French Minister responsible for European Affairs, Mr. Laurent Wauquiez. The meeting was chaired by President Davide Cucino. The main issues discussed during this meeting were the status and concerns of European business operating in China.

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2011-04-21 > All chapters

Meeting with Supervisory Cooperation Department, China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)

Meeting with Supervisory Cooperation Department, China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)

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