Advocacy Actions

2024-03-14 > Tianjin

Meeting with Tianjin Municipal Government Office

On March 14, 2024, European Chamber Tianjin Chapter was invited to attend a meeting with the Municipal Government Office, the Foreign Investment Management Office of Tianjin Commerce Bureau , and the Tianjin Electricity Trading Center. During the meeting, attendees were briefed on the development of green electricity in Tianjin, and some issues that enterprises have encountered in the use and procurement of green electricity were addressed.

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2024-03-13 > All chapters

European Chamber Financial Services Working Groups Meet with the National Financial Registration Administration

On 13th March, European Chamber Vice President Bruno Weill and representatives from the Banking and Securities, Non-Banking Financial Institutions, and Insurance Working Groups met with representatives from the National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA).

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2024-03-11 > Tianjin

Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone Data Classification and Grading Meeting

On March 11th, European Chamber Tianjin Chapter was invited to a meeting organized by the Administrative Committee of Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone on the topic of data classification and grading in the Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone. The purpose of the meeting was to promote the data classification, grading, and declaration of the important data directory among enterprises, and to enhance enterprises awareness of policies. The participating enterprises included the European Chamber Tianjin's member companies like Novo Nordisk, Standard Chartered and other companies like SEW, Baidu,, and so on.

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2024-02-29 > All chapters

Submission of feedback on cross-border data transfer barriers as experienced by different industries and sectors

On 29th February the European Chamber submitted feedback on how different industries are affected by the current Chinese regulatory landscape on cross-border data transfer.

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2024-02-09 > All chapters

Submission of feedback on 60GHz ahead of the EU-China ICT Dialogue

On 9th February 2024, European Chamber representatives provided written feedback to the EU Delegation on the 60GHz band.

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2024-02-05 > All chapters

Call for Comments on the Management Measures for Financial Leasing Companies (Draft for Comments)

On 5th February 2024, the Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFI) Working Group submitted comments to the National Financial Regulatory Administration (NFRA).

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2024-01-26 > All chapters

Meeting with representatives from the Dutch Embassy and the Dutch National Enterprise Agency

On 26th January a European Chamber representative met with a visiting representative from the Dutch Enterprise Agency (RVO) and Embassy officials.

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2024-01-25 > All chapters

Call for Comments on the Interim Measures for the Mediation of Implementation Disputes in Open Patent Licensing (Trial) (Draft for Solicitation of Opinions)

The Intellectual Property Rights Working Group submitted comments to the CNIPA on 25th January 2024.

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2024-01-24 > Southwest China

Exclusive Meeting with the EU Delegation Trade section counsellor Helene Juramy (Chongqing)

On 24th January, the European Chamber Vice President and Southwest China Board Chair, Mr. Massimo Bagnasco and 9 member companies had a meeting with the EU Delegation Trade section counsellor Helene Juramy. During the meeting, 9 member companies have demonstrated their current overall business situation in China, especially in Chongqing. There are three main domain industries include: Energy, Service, and finance. The difficulties that member companies mainly faced are the transformation of manufacturing production, the weak of customer confidence, and the EXPACT benefit in west region. And EU Delegation Trade section counsellor Helene Juramy has stated the idea of “In China, For China” and “de-risking” policy that EU has applied.

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2024-01-22 > Southwest China

Exclusive Meeting with the EU Delegation Trade Section Counsellor Ms. Helene Juramy (Chengdu)

On 22nd January 2024, Southwest China Chapter of European Chamber held an exclusive meeting with the EU Delegation Trade Section Counsellor Ms. Helene Juramy in Chengdu. Ms. Helene Juramy would like to learn how was the members’ business here and thought that to exchange mind is more difficult. “This is a different world and it’s also a different China. Economy recovery is slower than people expected.” said Ms. Helene Juramy. She also talked about the confidence crisis for consuming and employment situation, trade deficit, fairness, IPR, the investigation in electric vehicles, and the dialogue will continue. Member companies shared their operation and the issues they faced such as certification for products exported to Europe.

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