Advocacy Actions

2018-03-08 > Beijing, South China

Meeting with Shenzhen HFPC on Regulations for Procurement of Disposable Medical Devices

Shenzhen HFPC hold a meeting with local experts and a delegation of the Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group of the European Chamber on the future procurement of disposable medical devices.

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2018-02-01 > South China

European Chamber President Met Vice Mayor of Guangzhou Municipality

“European Chamber appreciates the very open discussion about how Guangzhou can take the lead in creating the soft infrastructure for the development of innovative and sustainable business environment”– said Mr Mats Harborn, President of the European Chamber after meeting with Mr Chen Zhi Ying, Vice Mayor of Guangzhou Municipality on February 1, 2018.

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2018-01-25 > All chapters

Comments on NPC's Draft of Law on Soil Pollution Prevention and Control

In December 2017, the National People's Congress (NPC) issued the Law on Soil Pollution Prevention and Control (Draft for Second Deliberation) for public consultation.
The European Chamber's Environment Working Group, Petrochemicals, Chemicals & Refining Working Group and Corporate Social Responsibility Forum on behalf of member companies, submitted their consolidated comments to NPC.

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2018-01-12 > Beijing, South China

Comments to Shenzhen HFPC's 'Regulations on the Procurement of Disposable Medical Devices'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the draft 'Regulations on the Procurement of Disposable Medical Devices' of Shenzhen Health and Family Planning Commission.

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2018-01-10 > All chapters

European Chamber IAM Desk meet with SAIC, Mofcom and NDRC on AML developments and updates

IAM Desk accpeted the invitation of China Competition Policy and Law Annual Conference (2018.1.11) and meet with NDRC, SAIC and Mofcom on AML updates

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2010-05-25 > All chapters

Position Paper and Chamber Presentation to Finish CEOs and diplomats as part of the visit of Finish President H.E. Ms. Tarja Halonen

EUCCC Senior Business Manager Alex Bell made a presentation about the Position Paper and the Chamber to Finish CEOS and diplomats on May 25th.

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2010-05-21 > All chapters

Meeting with China Petroleum and Chemical Industrial Federation

On 21st May, Deputy Director Wang met representatives from PCR Working Group of the European Chamber of Commerce inBeijing.

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2010-05-17 > All chapters

Conference Call with Members of SOGIS-MRA regarding China’s Information Security Policies

On May 17th, the Information Security Working Group had a conference call with members of SOGIS-MRA.

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2010-05-13 > All chapters

Lunch Meeting with European Commissioner Vice-President Neelie Kroes

EUCCC had a lunch meeting with European Commissioner Vice-President Neelie Kroes on May 13th on the topic of Business environment for the EU ICT industry in China.

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