Advocacy Actions

2016-04-01 > South China

Meeting with Environmental Protection Bureau of Macao SAR

The delegation of the Environment Working Group of the European Chamber met Ms. Vong Man Hung, Deputy Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Macao SAR, to discuss the environmental issues on development.

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2016-03-29 > South China

Meeting with Hengqin New Area Authority (横琴新区管理委员会)

On March 29th, the European Chamber had an exclusive dialogue with Hengqin New Area Authority(横琴新区管理委员会).

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2016-03-25 > All chapters

Comments on the The Anti-unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China (Amended Draft to Be Reviewed)

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China was approached by the SCLAO to provide comments on the Anti-unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China (Amended Draft to be Reviewed).

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2016-03-14 > All chapters

Presentation of the European Chamber’s Study on Overcapacity to Canadian Ambassador

epresentatives from the Chamber met with Canadian Ambassador to China to Guy Saint-Jacques to present him with the European Chamber’s recent report on overcapacity in China’s economy.The Ambassador stated that he had already read the executive summary and would look forward to reading the full report. Chamber representatives outlined their plans to continue to work on overcapacity in China in 2016 and the Ambassador expressed his interest in their future research and analysis as well.

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2016-03-04 > All chapters

European Chamber Comments on CFDA Catalogue of Raw Material for Health Food (first batch)

European Chamber Comments on CFDA Catalogue of Raw Material for Health Food

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2016-02-26 > All chapters

Handed overcapacity study to Cabinet of Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem, DG TRADe

Joerg Wuttke, President handed overcapacity study to Cabinet of Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem, DG TRADe on 26th February in Brussels.

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2016-02-26 > South China

Meeting with Guangzhou Nansha Free Trade Zone

Companies which set their headquarters in Nansha Free Trade Zone will have access to a series of favorable policies and incentives, such as enterprise settlement award, economic contribution award and office use subsidy informed Fangqi Li, Vice-Chef Economist of Nansha FTZ during the visit of members of the European Chamber on February 26th. There were over 50 European companies participating in this meeting.

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2016-02-25 > All chapters

Handed overcapacity study to Vice-President Jyrki Katainen

Joerg Wuttke, President handed overcapacity study to Vice-President Jyrki Katainen on 25th February in Brussels.

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2016-02-25 > All chapters

Handed overcapacity study to members of the Parliament Mr. Jo Leinen

Joerg Wuttke, President handed overcapacity study to members of the Parliament Mr. Jo Leinen, Chair of the Delegation for Relations with PRC and MEP Buetikofer on 25th February in Brussels.

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2016-02-25 > All chapters

Participation in conference organised by the European Political Strategy Centre

Joerg Wuttke, President participated in conference organised by the European Political Strategy Centre and met Ann Mettler, Head of EPSC and Vice-President Jyrki Kataine on 25th February in Brussels.

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