Advocacy Actions

2024-04-19 > All chapters

The European Chamber attended the roundtable discussion on Beijing Foreign Investment Regulation (Draft)

On 19th April 2023, the European Chamber attended a closed-door roundtable discussion on Beijing Foreign Investment Regulation (Draft), hosted by Deputy Party Secretary of the Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People’s Congress Qi Jing.

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2024-04-18 > Tianjin

The European Chamber 2024 Roundtable Meeting with Tianjin Municipal People's Government

On 18th April, 2024, European Chamber Tianjin Chapter had a roundtable meeting with Tianjin Municipal People's Government. Tianjin Vice Mayor Li Wenhai, European Chamber President Jens Eskelund, along with Vice President Carlo D'Andrea and Tianjin Chapter Chair Christoph Schrempp attended the meeting.

During the meeting, President Jens Eskelund expressed gratitude to the Tianjin Municipal Government for the meeting opportunity, introduced the European Chamber's mission and highlighted the findings of the Chamber Business Confidence Survey 2023. Tianjin Chapter Chair Christoph Schrempp introduced the Tianjin Position Paper 2022/2023, praised the success of the local green electricity market. Averes Bernd, Tianjin Chapter local board, the General Manager Commercial of Volkswagen Automatic Transmission (Tianjin) Co., Ltd shared their successful story of accessing to 100% green electricity in 2023.

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2024-04-16 > All chapters

European Chamber Chair of the Cybersecurity Working Group meets with Vanda Markovic, Director at DG TRADE

On 16th April, the Chair of the Cybersecurity Sub-Working Group met with Vanda Markovic, Director at DG TRADE, to discuss recent developments in the Chinese cross-border data transfer regulatory landscape.

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2024-04-15 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with Joanna Szychowska, Director at DG TRADE

On 15th April, a delegation of European Chamber representatives led by President Jens Eskelund met with Joanna Szychowska, Director at DG TRADE, and other visiting officials.

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2024-04-09 > All chapters

Meeting with European Commission Director General of the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers

On 9th April, a European Chamber delegation led by Carlo D’Andrea, Chamber Vice President and Chairman of the Shanghai Chapter, met with Ana Gallego Torres, Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers in Hangzhou.

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2024-03-27 > All chapters

European Chamber Secretary General Meets Assistant Minister of IDCPC

On 27th March, Secretary General Adam Dunnett attended a closed-door roundtable hosted by Assistant Minister Zhao Shitong of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC), to provide feedback on China’s business environment.

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2024-03-26 > All chapters

European Chamber meets the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province

On 26th March 2024, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China participated a roundtable discussion hosted by Director General Zhang Jinsong of the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province in Beijing.

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2024-03-20 > All chapters

Feedback on cross-sectoral advocacy priorities submitted to the Dutch Embassy and Consulate

On 20th March, ahead of a high level Dutch government delegation visit to China, the European Chamber submitted feedback on key cross-sectoral advocacy issues for European Industry.

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2024-03-19 > All chapters

Financial Services Working Group Members Attend China-EU Roundtable

On 19th March, European Chamber Vice-President Bruno Weill and representatives from the Financial Services Working Group member companies attended the China-EU Roundtable hosted by the People's Bank of China (PBoC) on the sidelines of the high-level EU-China Financial Regulatory Working Group.

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2024-03-19 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with Director-General for DG COMP Olivier Guersent

On 19th March, a group of European Chamber representatives from the Legal and Competition Working Group led by Chamber President Jens Eskelund met with Director-General for DG COMP Olivier Guersent.

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