Advocacy Actions

2022-09-19 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets MEP Reinhard Buetikofer

On 19th September, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke met with Member of the European Parliament and Chair of the Parliament Delegation on Relations with China Reinhard Buetikofer.

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2022-09-09 > All chapters

European Chamber Attended CCPIT 2022 Third-quarter Roundtable with Foreign Businesses

On 9th September, European Chamber attended the quarterly online roundtable with foreign chambers and enterprises for the third quarter of 2022, hosted by the Department of Development Research of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).

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2022-08-24 > Nanjing

European Chamber Nanjing Chapter Dialogue with Jiangsu Government

The "2022 Jiangsu Provincial Government Dialogue" organized by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Nanjing Chapter and supported by Department of Commerce of Jiangsu Province was held on August 24 2022.

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2022-08-24 > Nanjing

European Chamber Nanjing Representatives meet the German Acting Consul-General Mr Thomas Triller

On 24th August, a European Chamber Nanjing delegation led by Board Chair Dr. Andreas Risch met with the Acting Consul-General of Consulate General of Germany in Shanghai, Mr. Thomas Triller

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2022-07-29 > All chapters

European Chamber and CCIEE Jointly Held the EU-China Business Leader Forum

On 29th July, the European Union (EU)-China Business Leaders Forum, jointly hosted by the European Chamber and the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE), took place in Beijing. European Chamber President Jörg Wuttke and CCIEE Vice Executive Chair and Chief Executive Officer Zhang Xiaoqiang attended the forum and delivered opening remarks.

At the luncheon following the forum, Timothy Harrington, chargé d’affairs at the Delegation of the EU to China, gave the opening remarks. Ning Jizhe, vice chair, Committee of Economic Affairs of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), delivered a keynote speech regarding China’s current macroeconomic landscape and stressed the importance of strengthening international cooperation.

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2022-07-29 > All chapters

Comments to Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) on Opinions on Provisions on the Standard Contract for Outbound Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information (Draft for Comments)

On 29th July, the European Chamber submitted comments to the CAC on Opinions on Provisions on the Standard Contract for Outbound Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information (Draft for Comments).

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2022-07-14 > All chapters

European Chamber and EU SME Centre representatives met with AICEP

On 14th July, European Chamber and EU SME Centre representatives met with Mr Joao Falardo, representative from Portugal Global - Trade & Investment Agency (AICEP).

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2022-07-12 > All chapters

President Wuttke Meets with CCPIT Chair Ren Hongbin

On 12th July, a European Chamber delegation led by President Jörg Wuttke met with Ren Hongbin, chair of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).

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2022-07-06 > All chapters

Meeting with China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Guangzhou Committee (CCPIT Guangzhou)

On 6th July, Chairman of European Chamber South China Board Mr. Klaus Zenkel and Vice Chairman of European Chamber South China Board Mr. Fabian Blake met with a government delegation led by vice president Mr. Liu Zewu of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Guangzhou Committee (CCPIT Guangzhou).

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2022-06-20 > Nanjing

Meeting with Nanjing CCPIT

On 20 June, European Chamber Nanjing Chapter General Manager Ms. Haiyan You met with the Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Nanjing Municipal Committee Ms Liang Jie.

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