Advocacy Actions

2024-01-11 > All chapters

Meeting with representatives from DG TRADE on cross-border data transfer issues

On 11th January, representatives from the European Chamber Cybersecurity Sub-working Group had an exchange on the most recent developments on China's cross-border data transfer regulatory regime.

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2024-01-07 > All chapters

European Chamber submits comments on the CAC's Management Measures for Reporting Cybersecurity Incidents (Draft for Comment)

On 7th January, the European Chamber submitted comments on the CAC's Management Measures for Reporting Cybersecurity Incidents (Draft for Comment).

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2023-12-26 > Shenyang

European Chamber Shenyang Chapter Engages in Strategic Dialogue to Boost Foreign Investment and City Attractiveness

On December 26th, 2023, Mr. Leo Liu, the office manager of the European Chamber Shenyang Chapter, was invited by the Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office to attend the annual meeting of the Shenyang Association of Foreign-Invested Enterprises. During the meeting, Leo discussed with Mr. Yunsheng Li, the head of the Foreign Enterprise Service Division of the Shenyang Commerce Bureau on how the Commerce Bureau could liaise with relevant government departments to address the demands of foreign-invested enterprises.

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2023-12-23 > All chapters

European Chamber submits comments on the MIIT's Administrative Penalty Guidelines for Data Security in the Industrial and Information Technology Fields (Trial Implementation)

On 23rd December, the European Union Chamber of Commerce submitted comments on the MIIT's draft Administrative Penalty Guidelines for Data Security in the Industrial and Information Technology Fields (Trial Implementation).

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2023-12-22 > All chapters

European Chamber feedback on the NDRC National Data Bureau's Announcement on soliciting public opinions on the Data Elements × Three-Year Action Plan (2024-2026) (Draft for Comments)

On 22nd December, the European Chamber submitted feedback on the NDRC National Data Bureau's Announcement on soliciting public opinions on the Data Elements × Three-Year Action Plan (2024-2026) (Draft for Comments).

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2023-12-15 > All chapters

Mr. Jens Eskelund, President of the European Chamber met with Mr. Ren Hongbin, Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Beijing

On 15 December, 2023, Mr. Jens Eskelund, President of the European Chamber of Commerce in China was invited by Mr. Ren Hongbin, Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) to participate Foreign Business Leaders Networking Reception.

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2023-12-05 > All chapters

Meeting with representatives from DG TRADE on cross-border data transfer issues

On 5th December, European Chamber representatives from different Working Groups met with DG TRADE counterparts to discuss cross-border data transfer issues.

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2023-11-28 > Tianjin

Policy Interpretation: the Updates of Visa Exemption Coming to China from Designated 8 Countries and Other Transit Visa Policies

On 28th November, the European Chamber Tianjin Chapter was invited to a policy interpretation seminar organized by the Tianjin Commerce Bureau on the updates of visa exemption coming to China from designated 8 countries and 144hrs transit visa exemption among Jing-Jin-Ji area in Tianjin.

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2023-11-22 > Tianjin

European Chamber Tianjin Chapter Organized a Workshop on How Companies Accessing to Green Electricity and Green Certificate

On 22th November, European Chamber Tianjin Chapter organized a workshop on how companies accessing to green electricity and green certificate, which combine policy interpretation, best practice for companies especially European companies to get green electricity locally in Tianjin instead from Shanxi or Inner Mongolia province. The workshop was held in the Electric Power Dual Carbon Center, and more than 20 enterprises participated in the workshop, including members (Volkswagen, WEILBURGER, WAGO and so on) green power generation and sales enterprises and energy-saving project enterprises. Tianjin DRC, and Tianjin IIT attended this meeting and gave speeches.

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2023-11-18 > Shenyang

European Chamber Shenyang Chapter Chair Addresses World Forum on the High-quality Development of Cold Medicine and Health Industry, Highlights Commitment to China's Market Development

On November 18th, 2023, at the invitation of various government departments, including the Jilin Provincial Department of Science and Technology, China Council for Promotion of International Trade Jilin Province Committee, Jilin Medical Products Administration and China Trade News, Mr. Erich Kaiserseder, the Chair of the European Chamber (hereinafter referred to as Chamber) Shenyang Chapter, attended the "World Forum on the High-quality Development of Cold Medicine and Health Industry" and delivered a speech.

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