Advocacy Actions

2023-03-23 > South China

European Chamber South China Board Chair joined the 30th Anniversary of Dongguan Association of Foreign-invested Enterprises

On March 23, European Chamber South China Board Chair Klaus Zenkel joined the 30th Anniversary of Dongguan Association of Foreign-invested Enterprises.

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2023-03-22 > Shenyang

European Chamber Shenyang Chapter Board and Representatives of Members Meet Government Officials during EXPO’s 6th Anniversary Celebration Event

Ms. Diane Chen, Board Member of European Chamber Shenyang Chapter (hereinafter referred to as European Chamber) and General Manager and Member of Board of Shenyang New World EXPO (Management) Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as EXPO), invited Mr. Bin Guo, Vice Director-General of Liaoning Provincial Department of Commerce to EXPO’s 6th Anniversary Celebration Event on March 22nd 2023, delivering keynote speeches and exchanging ideas on the recovery and development of Liaoning exhibition industry in post-pandemic era.

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2023-03-16 > Beijing, South China

Workshop with the German Ministry of Health and Shenzhen Customs on EU Medical Device and In Vitro Diagnostic Regulations

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Shenzhen Customs Authorities jointly hold a workshop together with the German Ministry of Health (BMG) on EU Medical Device (MDR) and In Vitro Diagnostic Regulations (IVDR).

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2023-03-10 > South China

Meeting with Party Secretary and Director General of the CCPIT Guangzhou

On March 10th 2023, the European Chamber South China Board Chair Mr Klaus Zenkel had a meeting discussion with Mr Yang Yong, party secretary and director general of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Guangzhou (CCPIT Guangzhou).

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2023-03-03 > Shenyang

European Chamber Shenyang Chapter was Invited to 2023 Exchange Conference of Overseas (Regions) Organizations for Promotion of International Trade

Mr. Harald Kumpfert, Vice Chair of European Chamber Shenyang Chapter (hereinafter referred to as European Chamber) and Mr. Leo Liu, Office Manager of European Chamber was invited to participate 2023 Exchange Conference of Overseas (Regions) Organizations for Promotion of the International Trade by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Dalian on March 3rd 2023, exchanging ideas together with Dalian local government officials as well as representatives from foreign affair offices and trade promotion organizations of Netherlands, US, Australia, Korea, Japan and Singapore etc.

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2023-03-02 > Beijing, South China

China International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (CIMDR)

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group and the Chamber's Cooperation Partner COCIR participated in one of the largest medical device regulatory event in the world, the 13th China International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (CIMDR).

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2023-02-28 > South China

European Chamber South China Board Chair gave a speech on Global Consumer Conference

On 28th February 2023, Guangzhou municipal government hosted the first Global Consumer Conference in Nansha, Guangzhou. the European Chamber South China Board Chair Mr Klaus Zenkel was invited and gave a speech onsite.

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2023-02-21 > All chapters

European Chamber and EU SME Centre representatives meet with the China Association for SMEs (CASME)

On 21st February representatives from the European Chamber and the EU SME Centre visited the China Association for SMEs (CASME).

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2023-02-17 > South China

Meeting with The Special Commissioner’s Office of MOFCOM in Guangzhou

On 17th February 2023, the European Chamber South China Board Chair Mr Klaus Zenkel and Vice Chair Mr Fabian Blake met with Deputy Commissioner Mr Xie Ying, consultant Mr. Deng Lianyou from The Special Commissioner’s Office of MOFCOM (Ministry of Commerce People's Republic of China) in Guangzhou.

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2023-02-15 > South China

Meeting with Shenzhen Foreign Investment Enterprise Association

Feb 15th, European Chamber Board Chair Mr. Klaus Zenkel met with Shenzhen Foreign Investment Enterprise Association Secretary General Ms. Fan Yu.

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