Advocacy Actions

2024-01-15 > All chapters

European Chamber submits comments on the MIIT's Emergency Plan for Data Security Incidents in Industrial and Information Technology Fields

On 15th January the European Chamber submitted comments on the MIIT's Emergency Plan for Data Security Incidents in Industrial and Information Technology Fields.

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2024-01-11 > All chapters

European Chamber President speaks at a panel discussion with the Prime Minister of Belgium

On 11th January, European Chamber President Jens Eskelund delivered a keynote speech and participated in a panel discussion at an event chaired by Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo on occasion of his visit to China.

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2024-01-11 > All chapters

Meeting with representatives from DG TRADE on cross-border data transfer issues

On 11th January, representatives from the European Chamber Cybersecurity Sub-working Group had an exchange on the most recent developments on China's cross-border data transfer regulatory regime.

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2024-01-07 > All chapters

European Chamber submits comments on the CAC's Management Measures for Reporting Cybersecurity Incidents (Draft for Comment)

On 7th January, the European Chamber submitted comments on the CAC's Management Measures for Reporting Cybersecurity Incidents (Draft for Comment).

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2011-05-05 > All chapters

Meeting with French Minister of European Affairs

On the 5th May 2011, the European Chamber met with the French Minister responsible for European Affairs, Mr. Laurent Wauquiez. The meeting was chaired by President Davide Cucino. The main issues discussed during this meeting were the status and concerns of European business operating in China.

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2011-04-21 > All chapters

Meeting with Supervisory Cooperation Department, China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)

Meeting with Supervisory Cooperation Department, China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)

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2010-05-25 > All chapters

Position Paper and Chamber Presentation to Finish CEOs and diplomats as part of the visit of Finish President H.E. Ms. Tarja Halonen

EUCCC Senior Business Manager Alex Bell made a presentation about the Position Paper and the Chamber to Finish CEOS and diplomats on May 25th.

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2010-05-21 > All chapters

Meeting with China Petroleum and Chemical Industrial Federation

On 21st May, Deputy Director Wang met representatives from PCR Working Group of the European Chamber of Commerce inBeijing.

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2010-05-17 > All chapters

Conference Call with Members of SOGIS-MRA regarding China’s Information Security Policies

On May 17th, the Information Security Working Group had a conference call with members of SOGIS-MRA.

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