Advocacy Actions

2024-01-15 > All chapters

European Chamber submits comments on the MIIT's Emergency Plan for Data Security Incidents in Industrial and Information Technology Fields

On 15th January the European Chamber submitted comments on the MIIT's Emergency Plan for Data Security Incidents in Industrial and Information Technology Fields.

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2024-01-11 > All chapters

European Chamber President speaks at a panel discussion with the Prime Minister of Belgium

On 11th January, European Chamber President Jens Eskelund delivered a keynote speech and participated in a panel discussion at an event chaired by Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo on occasion of his visit to China.

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2024-01-11 > All chapters

Meeting with representatives from DG TRADE on cross-border data transfer issues

On 11th January, representatives from the European Chamber Cybersecurity Sub-working Group had an exchange on the most recent developments on China's cross-border data transfer regulatory regime.

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2024-01-07 > All chapters

European Chamber submits comments on the CAC's Management Measures for Reporting Cybersecurity Incidents (Draft for Comment)

On 7th January, the European Chamber submitted comments on the CAC's Management Measures for Reporting Cybersecurity Incidents (Draft for Comment).

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2023-12-23 > All chapters

European Chamber submits comments on the MIIT's Administrative Penalty Guidelines for Data Security in the Industrial and Information Technology Fields (Trial Implementation)

On 23rd December, the European Union Chamber of Commerce submitted comments on the MIIT's draft Administrative Penalty Guidelines for Data Security in the Industrial and Information Technology Fields (Trial Implementation).

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2023-12-22 > All chapters

European Chamber feedback on the NDRC National Data Bureau's Announcement on soliciting public opinions on the Data Elements × Three-Year Action Plan (2024-2026) (Draft for Comments)

On 22nd December, the European Chamber submitted feedback on the NDRC National Data Bureau's Announcement on soliciting public opinions on the Data Elements × Three-Year Action Plan (2024-2026) (Draft for Comments).

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2023-12-15 > All chapters

Mr. Jens Eskelund, President of the European Chamber met with Mr. Ren Hongbin, Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Beijing

On 15 December, 2023, Mr. Jens Eskelund, President of the European Chamber of Commerce in China was invited by Mr. Ren Hongbin, Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) to participate Foreign Business Leaders Networking Reception.

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2023-12-05 > All chapters

Meeting with representatives from DG TRADE on cross-border data transfer issues

On 5th December, European Chamber representatives from different Working Groups met with DG TRADE counterparts to discuss cross-border data transfer issues.

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2023-11-03 > All chapters

European Tour 2023/2024 -- Meeting with Tanja Gönner, Director General at BDI

On 3rd November European Chamber President Jens Eskelund met with Tanja Gönner, Director General at BDI.

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2023-11-03 > All chapters

European Tour 2023/2024 -- Meeting with with Martin Wansleben, CEO, and Volker Treier, Chief Executive of Foreign Trade, at DIHK

On 3rd November European Chamber President Jens Eskelund met with Martin Wansleben, CEO, and Volker Treier, Chief Executive of Foreign Trade, at DIHK.

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