Advocacy Actions

2023-01-13 > All chapters

European Tour 2022-23 Meeting with Industry Representatives of China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU)

On 13th January 2023, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) and the China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) jointly held a high-level EU-China Business Leaders Dialogue in Brussels, Belgium. Minister Peng Gang of the Chinese Mission to the EU delivered a keynote speech, while President Joerg Wuttke of the European Chamber and President Xu Haifeng of the CCCEU delivered welcoming remarks online. Zhonghua Xu, Chair of the Energy Working Group and Sarah Yu, Vice-Chair of the Environment Working Group of the European Chamber, offered their views and suggestions on the prospects of exploring cooperation between Chinese and European companies in the fields of sustainable development and ESG, respectively. The event was moderated by Adam Dunnett, Secretary General of the European Chamber, and Fang Dongkui, Secretary General of the CCCEU.

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2023-01-11 > All chapters

European Tour 2022-23 Meeting with Deputy DG Patrick Child (DG ENV)

On 11th January, the European Chamber met with Deputy DG Patrick Child (DG ENV) in Brussels to send key messages and exchange ideas concerning environmental issues. The European Chamber participants included the President, Vice President, Chairs of the Environment and Energy WGs, and so forth. Green and low-carbon development, ocean plastic pollution, circular economy, and climate warming were discussed.

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2023-01-10 > All chapters

European Tour 2022-23 Meeting with DG Ditte Juul Joergensen (DG ENER)

On 10th January, the European Chamber met with DG Ditte Juul Joergensen (DG ENER) in Brussels to send key messages and exchange ideas concerning energy issues. The European Chamber participants included the President, Vice Presidents, Chairs of the Energy and Environment Working Groups, and so forth. Both sides presented ideas on heated discussed issues, including renewable energy, energy transition, energy security and circular economy.

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2019-12-13 > Beijing

Outlook on Green Hydrogen and its Application in Automotive

European Chamber of Commerce invited Mr. XU Jilin- Deputy Director General from National Energy Administration, Mr. Octavian STAMATE - Counsellor of Energy and Climate Action from EU Delegation, the experts of Hydrogen & Hydrogen vehicles, and the representatives from the member companies: Michelin (China), Siemens , BP, ENGIE, FCA, EDF, Air Liquide, Volkswagen, Audi, Volvo, Novozymes, Daimler, GIZ, TÜV SÜD, German-Inspired Events and Royal Netherlands Embassy to discuss and exchange the view of the status quo, barriers and outlook on hydrogen and hydrogen vehicles’ development in China.

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2019-12-12 > All chapters

Survey on access to standardisation activities

From 2nd to 12th December, the Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group, along with other relevant Working Groups, launched a survey to better understand the issues with access to standardisation activities of European businesses.

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2019-12-10 > Beijing

Call for Comments are adopted by MIIT

Guideline of Building Industrial Standard System for Vehicle Internet (Intelligent Vehicle Management)
On 10th December 2019, Ministry of Public Security- Transportation Management Science Research Institute(全国道路交通管理标准化技术委员会-公安部交通管理科学研究所) delegated by MIIT informed the Automotive WG that the Ministry adopted the comments submitted by Automotive WG on Guideline of Building Industrial Standard System for Vehicle Internet (Intelligent Vehicle Management) 《国家车联网产业标准体系建设指南(车辆智能管理)on 2 Dec 2019. the comments cover the following contents (which are imputed by Daimler and Volkswagen)
1. The applicable AD vehicle levels in this guideline should be clarified. We propose to set the applicable scope to AD Level 3 to Level 5, rather than AD Level 1 to Level 5.
2. The responsible drafting institute should closely coordinate with other TCs, e.g. TC114, to harmonize the drafting content as well as to avoid the obstacle or overlapping work caused by standards itself.
3. International OEMs should be encouraged and allowed to participate in / contribute to the development of the standards (65 standards in total as planned in this guideline
4. Future standards should base on the Chinese legal framework, for example Road Traffic Law. The applicability of law should be evaluated in each standard in the guideline to avoid conflict or lead to revision of the current law in order to open the market for future ICV.
5. Implication of whether / how to implement the planned standards should be specified, e.g. in the standard explanatory notes.
The contact of MIIT:, tel: 010-68205240, 13812292099 Mr. Wang.

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2019-12-10 > Shanghai

Presentation of Energy working group priorities to Sino-German Energy Partnership

On 10 December, Mr Andreas Eisfelder, Shanghai Local Chair of the Energy working group, presented at the 4th Meeting of the German Local Business Advisory Council of the Sino-German Energy Partnership.

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2019-12-02 > Beijing

Meeting with Deputy Director General YANG Lei and other officers from National Energy Administration

On 2nd December, National Energy Administration (NEA) Deputy Director General (DDG) Yang Lei led a delegation to attend the Energy Working Group meeting in Beijing.

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2019-11-19 > Beijing

Meeting with Deputy Director of MEE on the Carbon Emission Right System

On 19th November 2019, the European Energy -Carbon Market Working Group invited LIU Feng, Deputy Director from Ministry of Ecology and Environment to introduce the Chinese Carbon Market Development and the updated policy & regulation on Carbon Emission Right Trading System.

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2019-11-18 > All chapters

Comments to MEE on Technical Standards on Ecological Impact, Acoustic environment

Call for comments to MEE: Technical Standards on Ecological Impact, Acoustic environment
On 8th November 2019, Energy Working Group submitted the comments on Technical Standards on Ecological Impact, Acoustic environment, Petroleum and Natural Gas Development Projects, Civil Airport and Highway Construction to Ministry of Industry and Information.

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