Advocacy Actions

2017-10-25 > Nanjing

Panel Discussion with Nanjing Customs

During this discussion, representatives and experts from Nanjing Customs introduced the latest information regarding the new Customs clearance integration process, AEO certification and application process to participants.

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2017-10-20 > Beijing

Meeting with CCUD under NDRC on Comprehensive Plan on Beijing City and Updates on Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration

On 27th September, 2017, the State Council approved the Comprehensive Plan on Beijing City (2016 – 2035), which will influence the investment strategies and relocation of various FIEs, particularly for the industries with production, manufacturing and construction. To better understand this plan and the impact thereof, the chamber will invite Mr. Shen Chi, Deputy Director General, China Centre of Urban Development of NDRC (沈迟先生,发改委中国城市和小城镇改革发展中心副主任) to interpret the plan and provide insights on the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration, followed by the roundtable discussion with our members.

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2017-09-22 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Comments to NPC on Anti-Unfair Competition Law (Second Draft for Review)

On September 22, 2017, the European Chamber submitted feedback received from members regarding the call for comments on the second review draft of revision on Anti-Unfair Competition Law issued by the National People’s Congress (NPC).

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2017-09-06 > Beijing

Comments on Tax Law of Vehicle Purchasing of PRC

On August.7th, Ministry of Finance (MOF) and State Administration of Taxation (SAT) jointly issued the draft of the Tax Law of Vehicle Purchasing for public comments. This Law will replace the existing Interim Regulations on Vehicle Purchasing Tax.

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2017-07-26 > All chapters

Comments on SAT's Draft of Implementing Regulations of the Law on Environmental Protection Tax

On 26 June, 2017, the Ministry of Finance (MOF), the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) and the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) jointly published the Implementing Regulations of the Law on Environmental Protection Tax (Draft for Comments) for public consultation.

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2017-02-15 > Beijing

Exclusive Dialogue with SAT on Environmental Protection Tax Law

The Chamber held an Exclusive Dialogue with Mr. Lian Qifeng, Deputy Director General, Property and Behavior Tax Department of the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) on China’s first Environmental Protection Tax Law.

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2017-02-07 > All chapters

EU Tour –Logistic Working Group Working Level Meeting with DG Taxation and Customs Union and DG Trade

Logistic Working Group Working Level Meeting.

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