Advocacy Actions

2022-08-24 > Beijing

Environment and Carbon Market Working Group Joint Event: The EU CBAM and its Impact on China

On Wednesday 24th August, the European Chamber Environment and Carbon Market Working Groups invited officials and industry experts from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Taxation and the Customs Union; the China National Institute of Standardization; the Carbon Research team at Refinitiv LSEG; and the former EU-China Relations Advisor at European Parliament to discuss recent developments with the EU CBAM and its potential impact on China.

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2022-04-08 > All chapters

Meeting with Sports Equipment Centre

On 8th April, representative from the Sports Equipment Centre of the General Administration of Sports, Foreign Trade Development Centre of the Ministry of Commerce and Urban Culture Development Research Institute, China Architectural Culture Research Association, Ministry of culture and Tourism (UCDRI) visited the European Chamber.

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2022-03-25 > All chapters

European Chamber Attended CCPIT 2022 First Quarter Online Seminar with FIEs

On 25th March, the European Chamber attended the 2022 First Quarter Online Seminar on Business Environment for Foreign-invested Enterprises in China, organized by the research department of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).

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2022-02-16 > All chapters

Insight Sharing: EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and China’s Footstep

On 16th February, the European Chamber Finance and Taxation Working Group held a working group meeting to share insight on the European Union's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and China’s footstep in the carbon-related tax policies.

Paolo Caridi, Policy Coordinator of DG CLIMA of the European Commission, introduced the EU’s CBAM, and Cong Zhang, Partner of Ernst & Young, provided the perspective from China side taking stock of the current tax policies in the country and sharing insight on the relevant framework discussions.

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2022-01-24 > All chapters

European Chamber Vice President Meets Director-General Yang Yingming of Ministry of Finance

On 24th January, European Chamber Vice President Guido Giacconi led an online meeting—alongside representatives from the Chamber’s Finance and Taxation Working Group, Carbon Market Sub-working Group, Healthcare Equipment Working Group and the Fashion and Leather Desk—with Director-General Yang Yingming of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Finance (MOF), to discuss key issues and present the Chamber’s Position Paper 2021/2022.

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2021-10-08 > All chapters

Position Paper Presentation to the Chinese Ambassador to the European Union (EU), H.E. Zhang Ming

On Friday, 8th October, a delegation of European Chamber working group chairs, led by Chamber President Jörg Wuttke, met online with Chinese Ambassador to the European Union (EU), HE Zhang Ming, and presented the European Business in China Position Paper 2021/2022 (Position Paper).

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2021-05-09 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the State Taxation Administration (STA) on the Provisions on Handling Procedures for Tax Inspection Cases (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber sent collated comments to the State Taxation Administration (STA) on the Provisions on Handling Procedures for Tax Inspection Cases (Draft for Comments).

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2021-01-05 > All chapters

Chief Negotiator for CAI debriefs European Chamber representatives on the Agreement

On 5th January, Chief Negotiator for the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) Ms Maria Martin Prat and her team debriefed a group of Chamber industry representatives on the key points of the Agreement.

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2020-12-18 > Shanghai

Meeting with State Taxation Administration to discuss consumption tax on petrochemical products

On 18 December, representatives from the the Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Refining working group and the Finance and Taxation working group met with Mr Gong Jun from the State Taxation Administration to discuss consumption tax on petrochemical products.

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2020-11-13 > All chapters

Lobby Letter on Cancellation of Non-Taxable Benefits including Survey Results to MOF

Second letter to MOF on cancellation of non-taxable benefits, this time including survey results from the AC survey.

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