Advocacy Actions

2021-04-21 > Beijing

Meeting with European Counsellors on Medical Devices

Meeting with European Counsellors on Medical Devices

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2021-04-14 > Beijing

Comments on NHC’s Public Consultation on the Measures for the Ethical Review of Life Science and Medical Research Involving Humans (Draft for Comments)

On 14 April, the medical device sector sent comments to the National Health Commission’s (NHC) Public Consultation on the Measures for the Ethical Review of Life Science and Medical Research Involving Humans (Draft for Comments).

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2021-04-14 > Beijing

Comments on the NMPA’s Public Consultation on the Emergency Approval Procedures for Medical Devices (Revised Draft for Comments)

On 14 April, the medical medvice sector sent comments to the National Medical Products Administration’s (NMPA) Public Consultation on the Emergency Approval Procedures for Medical Devices (Revised Draft for Comments).

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2021-04-09 > Beijing

Meeting with the Embassy of the Netherlands on Cooperation in the Field of Healthcare

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group and COCIR China met with the newly appointed counselor for health, welfare and sport on cooperation in the field of healthcare.

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2021-03-26 > Beijing

Comments to NMPA on International Medical Device Regulators Forum New Work Item

Comments to NMPA on International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) New Work Item

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2021-03-16 > Beijing

Meeting with Henan HSA on Centralised Procurement of Disposable Medical Devices

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group hold a meeting with the Henan Healthcare Security Administration (HSA) on Centralised Procurement of Disposable Medical Devices.

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2021-03-05 > Beijing, South China

Telephone Call with Fujian HSA on Price-Linkage with other Provinces in Volume-based Procurement

The Healthcare Equipment Working (HCE) Working Group (HCE) hold a telephone conference with the Fujian Provincial Healthcare Security Administration (HSA) on price-linkage with other provinces in volume-based procurement of disposable medical devices.

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2021-03-04 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on the Negative Lists and Invisible Hundlers to MOFCOM

The Chamber sent comments on the Negative Lists and invisible hundlers faced by foreign-invested enterprises to the Ministry of Commerce.

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2021-03-02 > Beijing, South China

Advocacy Letter to Fujian HSA on Price-Linkage with other Provinces in Volume-based Procurement

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group sent an advocacy letter to the Fujian Provincial Healthcare Security Administration (HSA) on price-linkage with other provinces in volume-based procurement of medical devices.

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2021-03-01 > Beijing

Meeting with the NHSA on Companies Credibility in Pricing and Tendering

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group held a meeting the the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA) on the system to evaluate companies' credibility in pricing and tendering.

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