Advocacy Actions

2024-04-17 > Beijing, Shanghai

Healthcare Equipment Working Group Gathers International Post-Market Surveillance Regulation Data for the Centre of Drug Evaluation

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group collected international data on post-market surveillance regulation and provided it to the Centre of Drug Evaluation for research purposes under the Global Harmonisation Working Party.

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2024-04-15 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with Joanna Szychowska, Director at DG TRADE

On 15th April, a delegation of European Chamber representatives led by President Jens Eskelund met with Joanna Szychowska, Director at DG TRADE, and other visiting officials.

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2024-04-12 > Beijing

Submitted Comments to the Ministry of Commerce on the Bottleneck Issues in Standards Setting in Service Sector

On 12th April, the European Chamber submitted comments to the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) Foreign Investment Department on the Bottleneck Issues in Standards Setting in Service Sector.

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2024-04-11 > Beijing

Submitted Comments to the Beijing Development and Reform Commission on the Implementation Plan for Further Increasing Loan Subsidies for Equipment Acquisition and Upgrading in Key Areas (Draft for Public Comments)

On 11th April 2024, the European Chamber submitted comments to the Beijing Development and Reform Commission on the Implementation Plan for Further Increasing Loan Subsidies for Equipment Acquisition and Upgrading in Key Areas (Draft for Public Comments)

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2024-04-09 > Beijing, Shanghai

Healthcare Equipment Working Group Provides Feedback on Draft of Clinical Trial Inspection Guidelines

Healthcare Equipment Working Group provided feedback on the second draft of the 'Key Points and Judgement Principles for the Supervision and Inspection of Medical Device Clinical Trial Institutions'.

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2024-03-20 > All chapters

Feedback on cross-sectoral advocacy priorities submitted to the Dutch Embassy and Consulate

On 20th March, ahead of a high level Dutch government delegation visit to China, the European Chamber submitted feedback on key cross-sectoral advocacy issues for European Industry.

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2024-03-13 > Shanghai

Sent comments regarding Lingang Cross-border data transfer measures to Shanghai Lingang New Area

On 13th March, European Chamber Shanghai Chapter sent comments to the Shanghai Lingang New Area Management Committee regarding the draft measures of the Lingang Cross-border data transfer plan.

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2024-03-01 > Beijing, Shanghai

HCE Working Group Provides Feedback on Proposed Lithium-Ion Battery Standards for Portable Medical Devices

The HCE Working Group provided feedback on MIIT's proposals for safety and general specifications for lithium-ion cells and batteries in portable medical devices. They sought clarification on compliance for manufacturers sourcing batteries externally and requested detail on standard requirements for manufacturers and suppliers. They also suggested aligning the proposed standard with existing ones like IEC62620 and recommended revising ambiguous text for clarity.

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2024-02-29 > All chapters

Submission of feedback on cross-border data transfer barriers as experienced by different industries and sectors

On 29th February the European Chamber submitted feedback on how different industries are affected by the current Chinese regulatory landscape on cross-border data transfer.

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2024-02-26 > Shanghai

Phamaceutical WG sent comments to National Healthcare Security Administration

On 26th February, European Chamber Pharmaceutical Working Group sent comments to the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA) regarding the Draft Notice on the Launch Price Setting Mechanism for Newly Listed Chemical Drugs
and on the Encouragement of High-Quality Innovation (Draft for comments).

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