Advocacy Actions

2020-12-27 > Beijing

Meeting with NMPA and Hainan MPA on Regulatory Science Research

Meeting with the NMPA and Hainan local MPA on the work of the Regulatory Science Research Institute in Hainan

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2020-12-23 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to Zhejiang HSA's Draft "Reform of Dynamic Adjustment of Centralised Procured Disposable Medical Devices"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to Zhejiang Healthcare Security Administration's (HSA's) draft document "Reform of Dynamic Adjustment of Centralised Procured Disposable Medical Devices".

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2020-12-19 > Beijing, Shandong

Recommendation on Shandong Government Procurement Centre's Draft Document "Volume-based Centralised Procurement of High Value Medical Devices"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Shandong Government Procurement Centre's draft document "Volume-based Centralised Procurement of High Value Medical Devices".

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2020-12-16 > Beijing

Meeting with the Centre of Medical Device Evaluation on Innovative Medical Device Registration

On 16 December, the Chamber attended the Innovative Medical Device Registration Meeting held by the Centre for Medical Device Evaluation.

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2020-12-15 > Beijing

Comments on CMDE’s Public Consultation on the Technical Guidance on the Usage of Overseas Clinical Trial Data of In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents (Draft for Comments)

On 15 December, the medical device sector submitted the comments on the Technical Guidance on the Usage of Overseas Clinical Trial Data of In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents (Draft for Comments) published by the Centre for Medical Device Evaluation.

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2020-12-15 > Beijing

Comments on the NMPA’s Public Consultation on the Dynamical Adjustment Working Procedure of Medical Device Classification Catalog (Draft for Comments)

On 15 December, the medical device sector sent comments on the Dynamical Adjustment Working Procedure of Medical Device Classification Catalog (Draft for Comments) released by the National Medical Products Administrtaion for public consultation.

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2020-12-14 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with National Healthcare Security Administration on Cooperation in 2021

Meeting with National Healthcare Security Administration on Cooperation in 2021

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2020-12-04 > Beijing

Meeting with the Centre for Drug Re-evaluation on Medical Device Vigilance

On 4 December, the medical device sector had a meeting with the Centre for Drug Re-evaluation on medical device vigilance in China.

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2020-12-03 > Beijing

Meeting with the China National Centre for Biotechnology Development on Human Genetic Resources Management

On 3 December, the delegation of the medical device sector had a meeting with the China National Centre for Biotechnology Development.

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2020-12-02 > Beijing, South China

Comments to the Guangdong Pharmaceutical Trading Centre on Coronary Balloon Catheter Group Procurement

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted comments to the draft procedure of the Guangdong Pharmaceutical Trading Centre on coronary balloon catheter group procurement.

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