Advocacy Actions

2020-08-18 > Beijing

Debrief “Buy China” issue updates in 2020 to the EU Delegation and the European Commission Trade Section

On 18 August, the medical device sector debriefed the "Buy China" updates in 2020 to the EU Delegation and shared with COCIR and updated it to the European Commission Trade Section.

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2020-08-13 > Beijing, South China

Meeting with Guangzhou Development District Investment Promotion Bureau on Development of the Medical Device Industry

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group hold a meeting with the Guangzhou Development District Investment Promotion Bureau on Development of the Medical Device Industry.

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2020-08-11 > Beijing

Sent the Review Report of the Center for Medical Device Evaluation Reform to the National Medical Products Administration and the Center for Medical Device Evaluation

On 11 August, the medical device sector sent the review report of the Center for Medical Device Evaluation Reform to the National Medical Products Administration and the Center for Medical Device Evaluation.

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2020-08-07 > Beijing

Submitted comments on the Draft Revision of the Product Quality Law to SAMR

Submitted comments on the Draft Revision of the Product Quality Law to SAMR

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2020-07-31 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on the NHSA's "Establishment of a Medical Product Prices and Tendering Credit Evaluation System "

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) and the Pharmaceuticals Working Group jointly submitted comments on the National Healthcare Securities (NHSA's) draft "Establishment of a Medical Product Prices and Tendering Credit Evaluation System "

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2020-07-31 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on the Guiding Opinions on the Establishment of Medical Price and Bidding Credit Evaluation System to the National Healthcare Security Administration

European Chamber Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Equipment working groups submitted comments on the Guiding Opinions on the Establishment of Medical Price and Bidding Credit Evaluation System to the NHSA

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2020-07-20 > Beijing

Advocacy Letter on the Periodic Risk Evaluation Report submitted to the Centre for Drug Re-evaluation

On 20 July, the medical device sector sent an advocacy letter to the Centre for Drug Re-evaluation re the implementation of Periodic Risk Evaluation Report.

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2020-07-10 > Beijing

Had a joint working group meeting and discussion on the Product Quality Law revision

Had a joint working group meeting and discussion on the Product Quality Law revision

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2020-07-07 > Beijing

Comments on the NHSA's Draft "Measures for the Management of Consumable Devices in the Basic Health Insurance"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments on the National Health Securities Administration's (NHSA's) draft "Measures for the Management of Consumable Devices in the Basic Health Insurance".

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2020-06-28 > Beijing

Comments to the CMDE to the draft Technical Review Guidelines for Human Factors in Design of Medical Devices

On 28 June, the medical device sector sent comments to Centre for Medical Device Evaluation on the draft Technical Review Guidelines for Human Factors in Design of Medical Devices.

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