Advocacy Actions

2020-03-31 > Beijing

Comments to the NMPA's Notice on Relevant Matters for Transferring the Manufacture of Products with Imported Medical Device Certificate to Enterprises in China (Draft for Public Consultation)

On 31 March, the medical device sector submitted comments to the National Medical Products Administration's public consultation on the Notice on Relevant Matters for Transferring the Manufacture of Products with Imported Medical Device Certificate to Enterprises in China (Draft for Public Consultation).

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2020-03-05 > Beijing, Shanghai

Lobby Letter to Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Shanghai Health Commission on the Current Situation of Corona Virus

On 5 March, the Medical Device Sector and Pharmaceutical (Pharma) Working Group jointly sent a lobby letter to Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Shanghai Health Commission the current situation of Corona Virus.

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2020-02-27 > Beijing

Comments to the NHSA's draft 'List of Public Services'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the National Healthcare Security Administration's (NHSA's) draft 'List of Public Services'.

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2020-02-21 > Beijing

Input to EUD on Medical Device Sector Most Affected Issues by the Disruptions in the Supply Chain

On 21 February, the medical device sector submitted input to the Delegation of the European Union to China on medical device sector most affected issues by the disruptions in the supply chain.

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2020-02-12 > Beijing

Advocacy Letter to the National Medical Products Administration on Extending the Periods of Renew Registration and Supplementary Materials of Medical Device

The medical device sector submitted an advocacy letter to the National Medical Products Administration on extending the periods of renew registration and supplementary material.

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2020-02-03 > Beijing

a briefing to COCIR Europe for meeting with SANTE

a briefing note on key issues and recommendations for medical device sector will be raised to DG SANTE

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2020-01-24 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to the National Health Commission on the Current Situation of Coronavirus

On 24th January, considering the current situation of coronavirus, the medical device sector sent an lobby letter to the National Health Commission.

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2020-01-23 > Beijing

Comments to the CMDE’s Public Consultation on Principles for the Safety and Performance of Medical Device (Draft for Public Consultation)

On 23rd January, the medical device submitted comments to the Center for Medical Device Evaluation on its public consultation on the Principles for the Safety and Performance of Medical Device (Draft for Public Consultation).

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2020-01-23 > Beijing

Comments to the CMDE’s Public Consultation on the Catalogue of Category 3 Medical Device Requiring Clinical Trial Approval (2019 Revision) (Draft for Public Consultation)

On 23rd January, the medical device sector submitted comments to the Center for Medical Device Evaluation on its public consultation on the the Catalogue of Category 3 Medical Device Requiring Clinical Trial Approval (2019 Revision) (Draft for Public Consultation).

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2020-01-20 > Beijing, Southwest China

Telephone Conference with Sichuan HSA on the Draft 'Reforming the Administration of High-value Consumables'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group and the Sichuan Health Security Administration (HSA) hold a telephone conference to discuss the draft 'Reforming the Administration of High-value Consumable Medical Devices in Sichuan Province'.

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