Advocacy Actions

2019-07-13 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Comments to CAC on Measures on Security Assessment of Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information

The European Chamber's ICT, Cybersecurity and other working groups submitted collated comments to the CAC on the Measures on Security Assessment of Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information.

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2019-07-09 > Beijing

International Medical Device Regulator Forum (IMDRF) Working Group Meeting on Documents for Clinical Evaluation and Investigation

On 9th July, International Medical Device Regulator Forum held a working group meeting on clinical evaluation.

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2019-07-05 > Beijing

Support Letter for the Applications for Punitive Tariff Exclusions to the Ministry of Finance

The Tariff Commission of the State Council, which responsibilities are served by the Ministry of Finance, started the tariff exclusions on 13th May.

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2019-06-28 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) on Administrative Measures on Data Security

The European Chamber's ICT, Cybersecurity and other working groups jointly submitted comments to the CAC on the Administrative Measures on Data Security.

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2019-06-26 > Beijing

Sent the Industrial Analysis on the Main Tasks of 2019 on Deepening Reform of the Medical and Healthcare System to the Delegation of the European Union to China

On 26th June, the medical devices sector sent the industrial analysis on the Main Tasks of 2019 on Deepening Reform of the Medical and Healthcare System to the Delegation of the European Union to China.

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2019-06-21 > Beijing

Meeting with the NIFDC on the Revision of YY0341-2009

On 21st June, the delegation of the Chamber met with the National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) on the revision of YY0341-2009.

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2019-06-13 > Beijing

Meeting with the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment Negotiators on Medical Devices Sector

Representatives of the Chamber met with the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment Negotiators on Medical Devices Sector.

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2019-06-13 > Beijing

Participated in the Seminar on the Administrative Measures for Mandatory National Standards (Draft for Approval)

On 13th June, the representatives of the Chamber participated in the seminar on the Administrative Measures for Mandatory National Standards (Draft for Approval).

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2019-06-13 > Beijing

Comments to the SAMR on Measures for Handling Complaints and Reports on Market Supervision and Management

On 10th May, the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR): Call for comments on the Measures for Handling Complaints and Reports on Market Supervision and Management (draft).

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2019-06-12 > Beijing

Comments to Beijing Health Commission on the draft "Reforming and Perfecting Comprehensive Supervision System of Medical Health Industry in Beijing"

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted comments to the Beijing Health Commission on the draft "Implementation Scheme of Reforming and Perfecting Comprehensive Supervision System of Medical Health Industry in Beijing". Beijing Health Commission gave an answer to the recommendation by telephone.
The main recommendations and response by Beijing Health Commission:
- Provide a communication regular communication channel for the industry to submit complaints and recommendations.
Answered: Call telephone 010-8915 0073, the call will be forwarded to the responsible department.
- Establish a channel that misuse of medical devices, sales of fake products or sales via unauthorised channel can be reported
Answer: This kind of complaints can be reported via the complaint hotline 12345
- Make new policies and guidelines available for the public
Answer: All new policies will be published on the webpage of Beijing Health Commission

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