Advocacy Actions

2018-11-12 > Beijing

Telefone call with the CMDE on the draft "Guideline for the Technical Evaluation Disposable Biopsy Needles"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group and the Centre of Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE) discussed the draft "Guideline for the Technical Evaluation Disposable Biopsy Needles" via telephone.

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2018-11-12 > Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Science and Technology Commission and Shanghai Biomedical Science and Technology Industrial Promotion Centre on Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan

On 12nd November 2018, the European Chamber Research and Development Working Group, Healthcare Equipment Working Group and Pharmaceutical Working Group organised a joint working group meeting on technological revolution, inviting Mr Shupei Dong, Vice Director of Biological Medicine at Shanghai Science and Technology Commission and Mr Daxu Fu, Chair of Shanghai Biomedical Science and Technology Industrial Promotion Centre.

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2018-11-09 > Beijing

Meeting with DG Sante on Regulatory Environment for Drugs and Medical Devices in China

The European Chamber briefed the DG Trade on the Regulatory Environment for Drugs and Medical Devices in China.

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2018-11-08 > Beijing

Attend NMPA training on post-market surveillance and raise key industry comments

Attend the training of NMPA Center for Drug/Device Re-evaluation, on medical devices adverse events monitoring. Raise key comments of member companies.

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2018-11-07 > Beijing

Seminar with CMDE on the draft "Technical Guideline for Evaluation of Respiratory Virus Detection Reagents"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group participated in a seminar organised by the Centre for Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE) on the draft "Technical Guideline for Evaluation of Respiratory Virus Detection Reagents"

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2018-11-02 > Beijing

HCE gave feedback on Access to Standardisation Technical Committees

The Chamber was collecting feedback from industry sectors regarding access to Standardisation Technical Committees, HCE members contributed from medical device sector.

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2018-10-31 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to Health Commision in Guangdong Province and Shenzhen City

HCE Working Group and COCIR submitted a lobby letter to Health Commission in Guangdong Province and Shenzhen city, regarding type B large medical equipment procurement.

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2018-10-30 > Beijing

Comments on the CMDE's draft "Guidelines for the Evaluation of Class II Medical Devices"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Centre of Medical Devices' (CMDE) draft "Guidelines for the Evaluation of Class II Medical Devices".

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2018-10-29 > Beijing

Comments to Guangxi HFPC's draft "Online Procurement Policy for High-Value Consumable Medical Devices"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to Guangxi Health and Family Planning Commissions (HFPC's) draft "Online Procurement Policy for High-Value Consumable Medical Devices".

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2018-10-25 > Beijing

Comments on the NMPA's draft "Regulation for Supervision of Customised Medical Devices"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments on the National Medical Product Administration's (NMPA, the former CFDA) draft "Regulation for Supervision of Customised Medical Devices".

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