Advocacy Actions

2018-10-24 > Beijing

Comments to the CMDE's Draft "Guideline for the Evaluation of Spinal Implants Clinical Study Results"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Centre of Medical Devices' (CMDE) draft "Guideline for the Evaluation of Spinal Implants Clinical Study Results".

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2018-10-22 > Beijing

Comments on the CMDE's draft "Guideline for Evaluation of Respiratory Virus Detection Reagents based on Multiplex Nucleic Acids"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Centre of Medical Device Evaluation's (CMDE) draft "Guideline for Evaluation of Respiratory Virus Detection Reagents based on Multiplex Nucleic Acids".

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2018-10-19 > Beijing

Comments to the National Centre for Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring on Draft Guidelines on Medical Device Adverse Events Reporting

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Centre for Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Monitoring on five different Draft Guidelines on Medical Device Adverse Events.

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2018-09-21 > Beijing, Shanghai

Plenary Session of the French Healthcare Alliance 2018

The French Healthcare Alliance (Club Sante Chine), a public-private alliance launched by the French government in partnership with the industry, hold its annual meeting, summarizing chances and challenges of the medical industry in China.

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2018-09-19 > Beijing

Comments to the NMPA's draft "Regulation on Medical Device Unique Device Identification (UDI)"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the National Medical Products Administration's (NMPA, former CFDA) draft "Regulation on Medical Device Unique Device Identification (UDI)".

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2018-09-18 > Beijing, Shanghai

International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (IMDRF) Stakeholder Forum

The 14. International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (IMDRF) stakeholder forum was organised by the Chinese National Medical Products Administration (NMPA). Representatives of the regulatory bodies of the world main economies, working groups of the IMDRF, the World Health Organization (WHO) and industry associations (including the Chamber's partner organisation Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare ICT, and Radiation Therapy Trade Association (DITTA) presented their work.

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2018-09-14 > Beijing

COCIR and HCE Members Contribute the 9th China International Medical Device Regulatory(CIMDR) Forum in Fuzhou

As the co-supporter of the 9th China International Medical Device Regulatory (CIMDR) Forum in Fuzhou, COCIR and several members of the Healthcare Equipment Working Groups attended the conference as the moderator and speaker for plenary and sub-forums.

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2018-09-13 > Beijing

German-Chinese Workshop on Current Focus Activities of Medical Device Regulators

In the framework of the German-Chinese Dialogue on Quality Infrastructure in the Medical Device Industry, the German Federal Ministry for Economy and Energy (BMWi) and the Chinese National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) jointly organised a Workshop on Current Focus Activities of the two countries Medical Device Regulators.

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2018-09-01 > Beijing

Comments to the CNDA's the draft 'Measures for Supervision and Administration of Imported Medical Devices Agents'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments on the China National Drug Administration's (CNDA) draft 'Measures for Supervision and Administration of Imported Medical Devices Agents'.

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2018-08-22 > Shanghai

Chamber Talks US-China Trade Conflict with Shanghai Free Trade Zone Management Committee

European Chamber working group members spoke to Shanghai FTZ Management Committee on the impact of the US-China trade conflict

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