Advocacy Actions

2018-06-13 > Beijing

Letter to Heilongjiang HFPC on 'Response Time for Manufacturers to Answer Hospital's Purchasing Requests'

After Heilongjiang HFPC had published a list of medical device manufactures who did not reply to purchasing requests of hospitals, the Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group send an Advocacy Letter, asking for a longer response time.

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2018-06-13 > Beijing

Letter to Henan HFPC on 'Price Negotiations for Consumable Medical Devices and IVD'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted a lobby Letter to the Henan Health and Family Planning Comission (HFPC) on 'Price Negotiations for Consumable Medical Devices and IVD', asking for a revision of the negotiation procedure.

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2018-06-11 > Beijing

Attend and Speak at the International Dental Industry Summit

During Sino-Dental (China International Dental Exhibition&Scientific Conference), EUCCC is invited to attend and speak at the International Dental Industry Summit

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2018-06-08 > Beijing

Comments on the Tibet HFPC's 'Concept for Centralised Purchasing of Consumable Medical Devices and IVD'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments on the Tibet Health and Family Planning Commission's (HFPC) draft 'Concept for Centralised Purchasing of Consumable Medical Devices and IVD'

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2018-05-30 > Beijing

Comments to the CMDE's draft 'Basic Principle for the Conditional Approval of Urgently Required Medical Devices'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Centre of Medical Device Evaluation's (CMDE') draft 'Basic Principle for the Conditional Approval of Urgently Required Medical Devices'

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2018-05-28 > Beijing, Nanjing

Comments to the Jiangsu Princing Bureau's "Updated Pricing Catalogue for Medical Services"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the draft "Update of the Pricing Catalogue for Medical Services", published by the Pricing Bureau of Jiangsu Province

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2018-05-11 > Beijing

Comments on standard of UDI to CMDSA

Comments on Standard of Unique Device Identification were submitted to Center for Medical Device Standardization Administration (CMDSA)

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2018-05-11 > Beijing

Information to CMDE's Inquiry on 'Urgently Required Medical Devices'

On request of the Centre of Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE), the Healthcare Equipment (HCE) submitted information on medical devices urgently required by Chinese hospitals.

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2018-05-10 > Beijing

Meeting with the Hunan HFPC on Local Implementation of the Healthcare Reform

A delegation of the Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group met Mr Chen Xiaochun, director of Hunan HFPC and four of heads of department to discuss the local implementation of the healthcare reform.

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2018-05-10 > Beijing

IMDRF Clinical Evaluation WG meeting

International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) Clinical Evaluation Working Group meeting

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