Advocacy Actions

2018-01-24 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on the CFDA's draft "Provision on Overseas Audit of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Plants"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) and Pharmaceuticals Working Group submitted comments on the CFDA's draft "Provision on Overseas Audit of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Plants"

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2018-01-12 > Beijing, South China

Comments to Shenzhen HFPC's 'Regulations on the Procurement of Disposable Medical Devices'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the draft 'Regulations on the Procurement of Disposable Medical Devices' of Shenzhen Health and Family Planning Commission.

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2018-01-10 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with International Cooperation Department, CFDA on 2018 Cooperation

Meeting with International Cooperation Department, CFDA on 2018 Cooperation

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2017-12-27 > Beijing

Comments to the Fujian Procurement Centre's draft "Two-Invoice System" for Medical Devices

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Fujian Procurement Centre for Drugs and Medical Devices on the draft "Two-Invoice System" for Medical Devices.

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2017-12-21 > Beijing

Comments to the Development & Research Centre of the NHFPC on the Draft 'Catalogue for Disposable Medical Devices'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Development & Research Centre of the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) on the draft 'Catalogue for Disposable Medical Devices'.

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2017-12-19 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to Yunnan Pricing Bureau on 'Price List for 100 Common Diseases'

The Healhcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted Comments to the Pricing Bureau under the Yunnan Reform and Development Commission on the draft 'Price list for 100 common diseases', to be applied in public hospitals in Yunnan province.

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2017-12-19 > Beijing

Meeting with the Development & Research Centre of the NHFPC on Development of an Unified Catalogue for Disposable Medical Devices

The Development & Research Centre of the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) hold a meeting on the Development of an Unified Catalogue for Disposable Medical Devices.

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2017-12-18 > Beijing, Southwest China

Lobby Letter to Sichuan HFPC on 'Control of Medical Expenses'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group sent a lobby letter to the Health and Family Planning Commission (HFPC) of Sichuan Province on the control of expenses in the healthcare sector.
In the first nine months of 2017, year-on-year healthcare expenses in Guizhou province grow by more than 18%, the highest growth rate of all provinces.

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2017-12-14 > Beijing

Seminar of the Danish Embassy on the Chinese Healthcare Reform

The Danish Embassy hold a seminar on the Chinese Healthcare Reform with Speakers from Foreign and Chinese Universities, from Chinese Government organisations and hospitals.

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2017-12-13 > Beijing

Submit a letter to CFDA on Standardization Law article 27 and its application to medical devices

A joint letter by EUCCC and COCIR was submitted to CFDA requesting their advice with industry's recommendation on China Standardization Law article #27.

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