Advocacy Actions

2017-11-20 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to Guizhou HFPC on Control of Expenses in the Healthcare Sector

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group sent a lobby letter to the Health and Family Planning Commission (HFPC) of Guizhou province on the control of expenses in the healthcare sector.

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2017-11-15 > Beijing

Comments to the CMDE' s 'Evaluation Guidelines for Pneumoperitoneum Machines'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Zhejiang Centre for Medical Device Evaluation (Zhejiang CMDE) on the draft 'Evaluation Guidelines for Pneumoperitoneum Machines'.

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2017-11-15 > Beijing

Comments to the CMDE' s 'Evaluation Guidelines for Disposable Medical Protection Clothes'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to Henan Food and Drug Evaluation Test and Inspection Centre on the draft 'Evaluation Guidelines for Disposable Medical Protection Clothes'.

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2017-11-13 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to Yunnan Social Security Bureau on Reimbursement of Imported Medical Devices

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group of the Chamber has sent a Lobby Letter to the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Yunnan Province on Restrictions on Reimbursement of Imported Disposable Medical Devices.

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2017-11-10 > Beijing

Comments to Anhui HFPC's 'Provisions for Centralized Online Procurement of Test Reagents'

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group of the Chamber submitted comments on the draft 'Provisions for Centralized Online Procurement of Test Reagents', published by the Health and Family Planning Commission of Anhui Province.

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2017-11-10 > Beijing

Comments to CFDA on Regulations for Medical Devices

CFDA published the draft Revision Regulations for Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices (Order 680) for public consultation. HCE WG jointly with COCIR, submitted comments to CFDA.

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2017-10-27 > Beijing

Comments on CMDE's "Guidelines for Pre-clinical Research Results of Coronary Artery Drug-Eluting Stents"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the draft "Guidelines for Pre-clinical Research Results of Coronary Artery Drug-Eluting Stents" of the Centre of Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE) of the CFDA.

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2017-10-16 > Beijing

Meeting with Ms Guo Yufen, DG of Gansu HFPC, on the Healthcare Reform in Gansu Province

A delegation of the European Chamber hold a meeting with Ms Guo Yufen, Director Generale of Gansu Health and Family Planning Commission (HFPC), on the Healthcare Reform in Gansu Province.

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2017-10-13 > Beijing

Working Group Chairs Meeting with EU Chief Negotiator for CAI

The members Committee together with the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the different Working Groups of the European Chamber’s Executive has focused discussion with the EU Chief Negotiator for the CAI and her team on the challenges and market access barriers that foreign companies in their respective sectors face in China.

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2017-09-22 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Comments to NPC on Anti-Unfair Competition Law (Second Draft for Review)

On September 22, 2017, the European Chamber submitted feedback received from members regarding the call for comments on the second review draft of revision on Anti-Unfair Competition Law issued by the National People’s Congress (NPC).

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