Advocacy Actions

2017-08-15 > Beijing, South China

Comments to the Development and Reform Commission (DRC) of Guangdong Province on the draft "Examination and Approval of New and Revised Medical Service Prices"

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted comments to the Development and Reform Commission (DRC) of Guangdong Province on the draft Examination and Approval of New and Revised Medical Service Prices

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2017-08-15 > Beijing

Meeting with the German Embassy on Waiving of Type Test Fees for Medical Devices

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group and COCIR met the Financial Counsellor of the German Embassy in Beijing to discuss options how to engage the Chinese Ministry of Finance regarding the question of Waiving of Type Test Fees for Medical Devices

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2017-08-15 > Beijing

Meeting with the European Delegation on Waiving of Type Test Fees and Regulatory Developments

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group and COCIR met officers of the European Delegation in Beijing to discuss options how to engage the Chinese Ministry of Finance regarding the question of waiving type test fees for medical devices and briefed the Delegation on latest developments in the regulatory environment for medical devices in China.

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2017-08-10 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to CAC on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Regulations

The European Chamber submitted collated comments on the Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) Protection Regulations to the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC).

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2017-08-10 > Beijing

Comments to the CMDE on "Guideline on Technical Evaluation of Registrations of Hepatitis C Virus Nucleic Acid Genotyping Reagents"

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted comments to the CMDE's draft "Guideline on Technical Evaluation of Registrations of Hepatitis C Virus Nucleic Acid Genotyping Reagents"

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2017-08-09 > Beijing

Meeting with CFDA on reprocessing of single-use devices

Meeting with the Department of Medical Device Registration of the CFDA on reprocessing of single-use devices

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2017-07-28 > Beijing

Comments to MIIT on <Compliance Management Catalogue of the Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products (First Batch)>

On 30th June, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued a call-for-comments on the Compliance Management Catalogue of the Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products (First Batch) and Exempted list of the use of restricted substances of Compliance Management Catalogue. The European Chamber submitted the consolidated comments to the MIIT.

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2017-07-27 > Beijing

Comments on CFDA's Draft "Administration of Developing Standards for Medical Devices"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments on the CFDA's Draft "Administration of Developing Standards for Medical Devices"

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2017-07-20 > Beijing

Meeting with New Director General of Center for Medical Device Evaluation, CFDA

HCE WG leadership met with New Director General of Center for Medical Device Evaluation, CFDA

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2017-07-19 > Beijing

Comments to CFDA Draft Regulation on "Supervision of Online-sales of Medical Devices"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the CFDA's draft regulation on "supervision of online-sales of medical devices"

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