Advocacy Actions

2016-06-20 > All chapters

Submit comments to CFDA on Exemption Catalogue for Medical Device Clinical Trial (2nd Batch)

Submit industry comments to CFDA Center for Medical Device Evaluation on Exemption Catalogue for Medical Device Clinical Trial (2nd Batch)

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2016-06-15 > Beijing

Attend CFDA seminar regarding the Provisions on Medical Device After-sales Service Administration

Attend a seminar organized by CFDA to discuss the draft regulation - the Provisions on Medical Device After-Sales Service Administration

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2016-06-14 > Beijing

Forum on Chinese Medicine and Senior Citizen Care

The forum brought together 300 experts from the areas of Western and Chinese healthcare as well as senior citizen care, focusing on the question how to integrate the these two service industries, healthcare and senior citizen cares, which so far in China are rather disjunct.
The European Chamber of Commerce presented on the subject "Senior Citizen Care in Europe - what can we learn from that?"

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2016-06-13 > Beijing

A conference call with CFDA about GCP implementation

Exploring possibility to have a roundtable with Medical Device Registration Dept. of CFDA on issues during GCP (Good Clinical Practice) implementing

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2016-06-13 > Beijing

Meeting with Mr. Hermann Gröhe, German Federal Minister for Health, on the Health Industry in China

Mr. Hermann Gröhe, German Federal Minister of Health, was part of the German government delegation that visited China together with Chancellor Angela Merkel.
In preparation of his visit of the National Health and Family Planning Commision (NHFPC) and the CFDA, he has met with delegates of industry associations to get first hand information of the chances and challenges the German and European industry faces in China.

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2016-06-12 > Beijing

A conference call with the EU Delegation regarding medical devices GSP inspection

Update a CFDA notice on regulating business in medical device circulation to the EU Delegation

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2016-06-03 > All chapters

Submit comments to CFDA on Medical Device Technical Review and Consultation

Submit industry comments to Center for Medical Device Evaluation of CFDA on Medical Device Technical Review and Consultation that they are drafting procedures.

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2016-06-02 > All chapters

Submit comments to SCLAO on Amendments to the Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices

Submit comments to Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council (SCLAO) on “Amendments to the Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices" (Amendments to the Order 650)

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2016-06-01 > Beijing

Comments to CMDE on “Evaluation Guidelines for Hip Prothesis Systems"

The CFDE has published a draft guideline how to evaluate Hip Prothesis Systems, a special sub-group of orthopaedic medical devices, for public consultation.
The European Chamber of Commerce has submitted consolidated comments to this guideline.

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2016-05-31 > Beijing

Submit Comments to CMDE on “Requirements on Application Documents for Fast Track Evaluation of Medical Devices”

The Centre of Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE) has issued a draft regulation how to accelerate evaluation for innovative medical devices for public consultation. The European Chamber submitted consolidated comments to the draft regulation.

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