Advocacy Actions

2019-07-31 > Beijing

Submitted Comments to the National Medical Device Administratio and the Centre for Drugs (Medical Devices) Re-evaluation on the Periodic Risk Evaluation Report

On 31st July, the medical device sector submitted comments to the National Medical Device Administration and the Centre for Drugs (Medical Devices) Re-evaluation on the Periodic Risk Evaluation Report.

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2019-07-26 > Beijing

Electronic Regulated Product Submission Workshop

on 26th July, medical device sector organized a workshop on the recently launched electronic Regulated Product Submission.

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2019-07-26 > Beijing

Submitted Recommendations on Medical Device Customs Clearance Inspection to Shanghai Customs

Following the visit to Shanghai Customs on 17th July, the medical device sector submitted recommendations on medical device customs clearance inspection to Shanghai Customs.

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2019-07-24 > Beijing

Submitted DITTA's New Work Item Proposal on Post-Market Clinical Follow-Up Studies to the National Medical Products Administration

On 24th July, DITTA submitted Post-Market Clinical Follow-Up Studies as the new work item extension for Management Committee Consideration.

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2019-07-23 > Beijing

Supplementary Report on Medical Device Standards to the Centre for Medical Device Evaluation

On 23rd July, the medical device sector submitted the supplementary material on standards to the Centre for Medical Device Evaluation.

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2019-07-17 > Beijing

Meeting with the Shanghai Customs on Medical Device Customs Clearance Inspections Issues

On 17th July, the medical device sector visited the Shanghai Customs for medical device customs clearance inspections issues.

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2019-07-09 > Beijing

International Medical Device Regulator Forum (IMDRF) Working Group Meeting on Documents for Clinical Evaluation and Investigation

On 9th July, International Medical Device Regulator Forum held a working group meeting on clinical evaluation.

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2019-07-08 > Beijing

Advocacy Letter to the Ministry of Justice on the Amendment to Order No. 680 (Draft)

On 8th July, Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry sent a lobby letter to the Ministry of Justice on the Amendment to Order No. 680 (Draft).

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2019-07-05 > Beijing

Support Letter for the Applications for Punitive Tariff Exclusions to the Ministry of Finance

The Tariff Commission of the State Council, which responsibilities are served by the Ministry of Finance, started the tariff exclusions on 13th May.

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2019-06-26 > Beijing

Sent the Industrial Analysis on the Main Tasks of 2019 on Deepening Reform of the Medical and Healthcare System to the Delegation of the European Union to China

On 26th June, the medical devices sector sent the industrial analysis on the Main Tasks of 2019 on Deepening Reform of the Medical and Healthcare System to the Delegation of the European Union to China.

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