Advocacy Actions

2020-04-17 > Beijing

Advocacy Letter to the Ministry of Commerce on China's Export Management Measures for Anti-COVID 19 Medical Device

On 17 April, the medical device sector sent an advocacy letter to the Ministry of Commerce on China's export management measures for anti-COVID 19 medical device.

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2020-04-15 > Beijing

Advocacy Letter to the Center for Medical Device Evaluation on Notarization of Submission Documents

On 25 March, the medical device sector submitted an advocacy letter to the Center for Medical Device Evaluation on notarization of submission documents.

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2020-04-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to MOFCOM and NDRC on Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment (2019)

The European Chamber very much welcomes the MOFCOM's decision to collect opinions on the "Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment (2019)". Upon careful study of the draft and consultation with its members, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China has collated all member inputs and submitted suggestions to the MOFCOM for their consideration.

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2020-04-01 > Beijing

Submitted Feedback on Low-hanging Fruit List to the Delegation of the European Union to China

On 1 April, the medical device sector submitted the feedback on low-hanging fruit list to the Delegation of the European Union to China.

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2020-03-31 > Beijing

Comments to the NMPA's Notice on Relevant Matters for Transferring the Manufacture of Products with Imported Medical Device Certificate to Enterprises in China (Draft for Public Consultation)

On 31 March, the medical device sector submitted comments to the National Medical Products Administration's public consultation on the Notice on Relevant Matters for Transferring the Manufacture of Products with Imported Medical Device Certificate to Enterprises in China (Draft for Public Consultation).

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2020-03-09 > Beijing

comment to AI Medical Device Standardization Technical Committee

comment to AI Medical Device Standardization Technical Committee for contributions that COCIR could make

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2020-03-05 > Beijing, Shanghai

Lobby Letter to Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Shanghai Health Commission on the Current Situation of Corona Virus

On 5 March, the Medical Device Sector and Pharmaceutical (Pharma) Working Group jointly sent a lobby letter to Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Shanghai Health Commission the current situation of Corona Virus.

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2020-02-21 > Beijing

Input to EUD on Medical Device Sector Most Affected Issues by the Disruptions in the Supply Chain

On 21 February, the medical device sector submitted input to the Delegation of the European Union to China on medical device sector most affected issues by the disruptions in the supply chain.

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2020-02-12 > Beijing

Advocacy Letter to the National Medical Products Administration on Extending the Periods of Renew Registration and Supplementary Materials of Medical Device

The medical device sector submitted an advocacy letter to the National Medical Products Administration on extending the periods of renew registration and supplementary material.

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2020-02-03 > Beijing

a briefing to COCIR Europe for meeting with SANTE

a briefing note on key issues and recommendations for medical device sector will be raised to DG SANTE

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