Advocacy Actions

2019-02-27 > Beijing

Seminar with Center for Drug(Device) Re-evaluation on Adverse Events Reporting

The Chamber Healthcare Equipment Working Group was invited to attend the Seminar organized by NMPA to discuss three key Guidelines developed by Center for Drug(Device) Re-evaluation. Members' concerns and recommendations were raised by EUCCC HCE representatives, during the meeting.

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2019-02-18 > Beijing

Attend CMDE Seminar on ICH Efficacy Guidelines

Attend Seminar of Center for Medical Device Evaluation on ICH (International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use) Efficacy Guidelines

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2019-02-01 > Beijing

Generate a report to CMDSA on Ecodesign of Medical Equipment in EU from energy consumption perspective

Generate a report to Center for Medical Device Standardization Administration on Ecodesign of Medical Equipment in EU from energy consumption perspective.

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2019-01-23 > Beijing

Comments to the SAMR's "Supervision of Agents for Imported Medical Devices" Public Consultation

On 24th December 2018, State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR) published the second draft of Supervision of Agents for Imported Medical Devices.

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2019-01-16 > Beijing

update the Key Market Access Barrier List for China, for medical device sector

Feedback to Delegation of the European Union to China (EUD) regarding the European Commission on Key Market Access Barrier List for China, for medical device sector

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2019-01-10 > Beijing

Event on "The Development of Medical Imaging Technology in the Past 40 years"

A seminar at the Belgium Embassy on the Development of Medical Imaging Technology in the Past 40 years: How Foreign Investment in Healthcare can Support Healthy China 2030

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2019-01-09 > Beijing

Seminar on IEC 60601 standards

A seminar on IEC 60601 standards, COCIR invited a speaker presented on Edtion 3 v.s. Edition 2

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2018-12-29 > Beijing

Comments to the CDR’s “Guideline for the Formatting of the Regular Risk Assessment Report by the Medical Devices (MAH)”

On 27 November 2018, the Centre for Drug Re-evaluation has initiated a public consultation on “Guideline for the Formatting of the Regular Risk Assessment Report by the Medical Devices (MAH)”.

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2018-12-29 > Beijing

Meeting with the Center for Drug Re-evaluation for implementing Order#1 of SAMR

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group and European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical And Healthcare IT Industry (COCIR) visited the Center for Drugs (Medical Devices) Re-evaluation (CDR) of National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) on 29th December 2018.

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2018-12-28 > Beijing

Comments to the CDR’s “Guideline for the Re-evaluation of Medical Devices”

On 27 November 2018, the Centre for Drug Re-evaluation has initiated a public consultation on “Guideline for the Re-evaluation of Medical Devices”.

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