Advocacy Actions

2018-12-27 > Beijing

Comments to the CDR’s “Guideline for the Risk Assessment by the Medical Device Market Authorisation Holder (MAH)”

On 27 November 2018, the Centre for Drug Re-evaluation has initiated a public consultation on “Guideline for the Risk Assessment by the Medical Device Market Authorisation Holder (MAH)”.

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2018-11-15 > Beijing

Present Remanufacturing of Medical Equipment at China Remanufacturing Annual Conference 2018

COCIR presented at the China Remanufacturing Annual Conference 2018 on Circular Economy / Material Efficiency in EU

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2018-11-05 > Beijing

a Briefing to COCIR Office in Brussels for their meeting with DG Trade

A briefing document on medical device industry procurement issues in China was developed for the meeting(s) in Brussels between DG Trade and COCIR Headquarter.

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2018-10-31 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to Health Commision in Guangdong Province and Shenzhen City

HCE Working Group and COCIR submitted a lobby letter to Health Commission in Guangdong Province and Shenzhen city, regarding type B large medical equipment procurement.

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2018-09-18 > Beijing, Shanghai

International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (IMDRF) Stakeholder Forum

The 14. International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (IMDRF) stakeholder forum was organised by the Chinese National Medical Products Administration (NMPA). Representatives of the regulatory bodies of the world main economies, working groups of the IMDRF, the World Health Organization (WHO) and industry associations (including the Chamber's partner organisation Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare ICT, and Radiation Therapy Trade Association (DITTA) presented their work.

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2018-09-14 > Beijing

COCIR and HCE Members Contribute the 9th China International Medical Device Regulatory(CIMDR) Forum in Fuzhou

As the co-supporter of the 9th China International Medical Device Regulatory (CIMDR) Forum in Fuzhou, COCIR and several members of the Healthcare Equipment Working Groups attended the conference as the moderator and speaker for plenary and sub-forums.

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2018-07-13 > Beijing

Seminar on Environment Issues in Medical Equipment Sector

Seminar on Environment Issues in Medical Equipment Sector

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2018-06-29 > Beijing

Comments to the CFDI's draft 'Inspection Points and Determination Principles for Medical Device Clinical Trials'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Center for Food and Drug Inspection of CFDA’s (CFDI) draft ‘Inspection Points and Determination Principles for Medical Device Clinical Trials’.

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2018-06-28 > Beijing

Comments to the CNDA’s draft ‘Amendment for Reviewing Requirements of Renewal Registration and other Application Materials of Medical Devices’

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the China National Drug Administration’s (CNDA) draft ‘Amendment for Reviewing Requirements of Renewal Registration and other Application Materials of Medical Devices’.

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2018-06-21 > Beijing

Meeting with the Center for Medical Device Standardization Administration on Seminar with regards to environment issues in medical equipment sector

Meeting with the Center for Medical Device Standardization Administration on Seminar with regards to environment issues in medical equipment sector

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