Advocacy Actions

2018-03-19 > Beijing

DITTA workshop on Cybersecurity

DITTA workshop on Cybersecurity, in the framework of the International Medical Device Regulators Forum’s (IMDRF) 13th Management Committee (MC) meeting

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2018-03-15 > Beijing

Participate and Present at CMDSA Seminar on energy efficiency evaluation

Present at the Center for Medical Device Standardization Administration (CMDSA) seminar on energy efficiency evaluation

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2018-01-19 > Beijing

Finish submission of FNGO Representative Office application dossier to the professional supervisory unit (PSU)

Finish submission of COCIR China Representative Office application dossier to the professional supervisory unit (PSU)

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2018-01-12 > Beijing

Meeting with CFDA on DITTA proposal for workshop during the 13th Meetings of IMDRF

Meeting with CFDA on DITTA proposal for workshop during the 13th Meetings of IMDRF

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2017-12-13 > Beijing

Submit a letter to CFDA on Standardization Law article 27 and its application to medical devices

A joint letter by EUCCC and COCIR was submitted to CFDA requesting their advice with industry's recommendation on China Standardization Law article #27.

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2017-12-13 > Beijing

seminar on “EU Medical Device Regulation Changes and its Impact to Regulatory Environment in China” - Plenary

Plenary meeting - raise industry recommendations to CFDA with regards to Regulatory Environment in China for medical devices

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2017-12-12 > Beijing

Seminar on Medical Device Unique Device Identification (UDI) practice

COCIR and CDMD Desk members introduced UDI practice in Europe

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2017-11-22 > Beijing

Meeting of the EU-China Medical Device Expert Roundtable (MDER) IV

The six working groups reported interim findings and recommendations to EU and China Authorities, at this the 4th phase of EU-China Medical Device Expert Roundtable (MDER IV)

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2017-11-21 > Beijing

DG GROW - AQSIQ Working Group Meeting on Medical Devices

DG GROW and AQSIQ had their working group meeting on medical devices. COCIR SG and COCIR China representative were invited to joined the meeting.

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2017-10-19 > Beijing

Comments on RoHS II Compliance Management Catalogue was debriefed to EUD

Comments on RoHS II Compliance Management Catalogue was debriefed to EUD

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