Advocacy Actions

2022-01-06 > Beijing

Meeting with Institutes of Medical Device Testing on Implementing GB9706 series standards

Meeting with Institutes of Medical Device Testing on Implementing GB9706 series standards

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2022-01-05 > Beijing

Visit The Beijing Institute of Medical Device Testing (BIMT)

Visit The Institute of Medical Device Testing

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2021-12-15 > Beijing

Comments to NMPA’s Public Consultation: Catalogue of Medical Device Prohibited to Entrusted Manufacturing (Draft for Comments)

On 15 December, the medical device sector sent comments to the National Medical Products Admisnitration’s Public Consultation: Catalogue of Medical Device Prohibited to Entrusted Manufacturing (Draft for Comments).

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2021-12-09 > Beijing

Comments to NIFDC's Public Consultation on the Medical Device Classification Catalogue (Call for Comments)

On 9 December, the medical devices sector sent comments to the Centre for Medical Device Standardisation Administration (NIFDC) on the Medical Device Classification Catalogue (Call for Comments).

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2021-12-01 > Beijing

Meeting with Mr. Ramunas Freigofas, First Counsellor for Health and Food Safety of EU Delegation to China

European Chamber representatives from agriculture, EU affairs, food and beverage, cosmetics, healthcare equipment, pharmaceutical sectors, met with Mr. Ramunas Freigofas, First Counsellor for Health and Food Safety of EU Delegation to China to exchange work priorities of both sides and plan for further cooperation.

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2021-11-15 > Beijing

Annual Meeting of AI Medical Devices Standardization Technical Committee

Annual Meeting of AI Medical Devices Standardization Technical Committee

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2021-11-05 > Beijing

lobby letter to National Medical Products Administration on Mandatory Standards Implementation

Lobby Letter to National Medical Products Administration on Mandatory Standards Implementation

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2021-11-04 > Beijing

Meeting the National Centre for Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring

On 4 November, the medical sector had the meeting with the National Centre for Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring re the medical device vigilance program.

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2021-10-14 > Beijing

Workshop with the Centre for Medical Device Evaluation on Guideline for Clinical Data Submission

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group and COCIR participated in workshop organised by the Centre of Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE) on the draft Guideline for Clinical Data Submission.

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2021-10-08 > Beijing

Comments to CMDE’s Public Consultation: Guidelines on the Medical Device Product Technical Requirements Compilation Registration Review (2021 Revision) (Draft for Comments)

On 8 October, the medical device sector sent comments to the Centre for Medical Device Evaluation’s public consultation on the Guidelines on the Medical Device Product Technical Requirements Compilation Registration Review (2021 Revision) (Draft for Comments).

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