Advocacy Actions

2019-06-28 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) on Administrative Measures on Data Security

The European Chamber's ICT, Cybersecurity and other working groups jointly submitted comments to the CAC on the Administrative Measures on Data Security.

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2019-06-24 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) on Cybersecurity Review Measures (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments on the Cybersecurity Review Measures (Draft for Comments) released by the CAC.

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2019-05-31 > Beijing

Comments to SAMR on the Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Online Transaction

On 30 April, the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR): Call for comments on the Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Online Transaction (draft).

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2019-05-29 > Beijing

Meeting with Director General Liu Hongkuan, Foreign Capital and Overseas Investment Department, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)

On 29th May, the European Chamber paid a visit to Liu Hongkuan, director general (DG), Foreign Capital and Overseas Investment Department, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). The delegation was led by Carl Hayward, general manager (GM) and communications director.

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2019-05-21 > Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization on the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference and AI Policies in Shanghai

The European Chamber Shanghai Chapter organised a joint Working Group meeting with Mr SUN Yue, Vice Director of Artificial Intelligence Development Section at Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization, to introduce the World Artificial Intelligence Conference and AI-related policies in Shanghai. Mr Zhonghua Xu, Chair of the Research and Development Working Group delivered the opening and closing remarks, presenting European Business in China Position Paper 2018/2019 to Mr Sun.

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2019-05-18 > Beijing

Chamber Vice President Massimo Bagnasco Speaks at 2019 Belt and Road Digitisation International Summit

On 18 and 19 May, the European Chamber attended the 2019 Belt and Road Digitisation International Summit, where an array of officials, experts, academics and business leaders exchanged on topics including Digital Belt and Road related opportunities and challenges, intelligent manufacturing and data governance.

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2019-05-15 > Beijing, Tianjin

Comments to Tianjin Cyberspace Administration of China (Tianjin CAC) on Tianjin City Administrative Measures on Data Security (Trial) (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber's ICT and Cybersecurity Working Groups submitted collated comments to the Tianjin CAC on Tianjin City Administrative Measures on Data Security (Trial) (Draft for Comments).

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2019-05-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR) on Administrative Provisions on Product Quality Supervision and Spot Inspections (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber's Automotive, HCE, SCA, Fashion and Leather, Cheese and other working groups jointly submitted comments to the SAMR on the Administrative Provisions on Product Quality Supervision and Spot Inspections (Draft for Comments).

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2019-05-15 > Beijing

Comments to the CNCA on the Regulation on Certification and Accreditation

On 5th May, the Certification and Accreditation Administration of PRC (CNCA) issued a call for comments on the Regulation on Certification and Accreditation.

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2019-04-30 > Beijing, Shanghai

Chamber Submits Comments to National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Issues and Recommendations Relating to the Digital Economy

The European Chamber's ICT, Cybersecurity, Automotive, Fashion and Leather and other Working Groups jointly submitted comments to the NDRC on the Issues and Recommendations Relating to the Digital Economy.

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