Advocacy Actions

2019-04-24 > Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs on Foreign Invested Enterprises Innovation Centre-Related Policies

On 24 April 2019, the European Chamber’s Shanghai Chapter organised a working group meeting with Shanghai Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs to discuss with members on Foreign Invested Enterprises Innovation Centre-related policies. Members from Research and Development Working Group, Human Resources Working Group, Information and Communication Technology Working Group, Pharmaceutical Working Group, Auto Components Working Group and Small and Medium-size Enterprise Forum attended this meeting.

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2019-04-22 > Beijing

Meeting with DDG Wei Li, Online Transaction Regulation Department, State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR)

On 22nd April, European Chamber led a delegation to meet with Wei Li, Deputy Director-general of Department of Online Transaction Regulation, State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and talked about the implement of E-commerce Law, supervision of online transaction and protection of consumer rights.

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2019-04-18 > Beijing

Joint EUCCC and USITO WG meeting on Enterprise Standards

On 18th April, the European Chamber held a joint meeting with United States Information Technology Office (USITO) members on the topic of Enterprise Standards in Beijing.

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2019-04-17 > Beijing, Southwest China

Meeting with Vice Governor of Sichuan

On 17th April, the vice governor of Sichuan Provincial Government, Mr Wang Yihong, received a delegation from the European Chamber led by Vice President (VP) Massimo Bagnasco. Local Chair Paul Sives also joined the meeting.

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2019-04-15 > Beijing

Meeting with ETSI representatives

On 15th April, European Chamber representatives from the Information and Communication Technologies and the Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Groups met representatives from the European Telecommunications Standards Institute.

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2019-03-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Science and Technology Section of European Union Delegation on Incentives Programs for Multinational Corporations

On 20th March, the European Chamber co-organised a luncheon with the European Union (EU) Delegation on Incentive Programs for Multinational Corporations and the expert team of the EU-funded project “Improving EU Access to National and Regional Financial Incentives for Innovation in China”. Mr Carlo Diego D'Andrea, Vice President and Chair of European Chamber Shanghai Chapter gave the opening remarks and presented the delegation with the Chamber’s European Business in China Position Paper.

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2019-03-03 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) on Personal Information Security Specification (Draft)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments on TC260's Personal Information Security Specification (Draft).

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2019-02-22 > Beijing

European Chamber Hosts 2019 Cybersecurity Conference

The European Chamber successfully delivered the 2019 edition of its annual Cybersecurity Conference, where a distinguished array of government body representatives, standards drafters, lawyers, security experts and industry representatives jointly helped members examine the status quo of cybersecurity rule-making and law enforcement.

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2019-02-22 > All chapters

Meeting with Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee and SCOFCOM on the Draft Foreign Investment Law

On February 22, 2019, the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce hosted a symposium to solicit opinions on the draft Foreign Investment Law. Representative of the European Chamber's Legal & Competition Working Group attended the symposium and presented members’ feedback and concerns.

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2018-12-27 > Beijing

Comments to Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on Draft Catalogue and Technical Requirements for Micro-power Short-range Radio Devices

The European Chamber's ICT Working Group submitted comments to the MIIT on the draft Catalogue and Technical Requirements for Micro-power Short-range Radio Devices, calling for the MIIT to clarify certain practical aspects after the exemption of such devices from type approval.

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