Advocacy Actions

2023-11-28 > Beijing, Shanghai

Adapting to the New Normal - Dispute Resolution Among Escalating Trade Restrictions

This joint working group meeting was held by the Legal and Competition Working Group and the Compliance and Business Ethics Working Group in Beijing, Shanghai and online simultaneously.

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2023-10-23 > Beijing

Head of Foreign Subsidies Task Force at DG Competition Speaks with Members about the Foreign Subsidies Regulation

Dr Simone Ritzek-Seidl, Head of sector – Task force foreign subsidies at the European Commission's DG Competition, answered member questions on the Foreign Subsidies Regulation.

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2023-09-13 > Beijing

Meeting with Senior Expert at the European Commission's DG Competition

On 13th September, Legal and Competition Working Group Chair Sara Marchetta and competition expert Ninette Dodoo discussed recent developments in China's and the EU's competition law landscape with DG Competition Senior Expert Torben Toft.

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2023-06-12 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) on the Regulation on Fair Competition Review

European Chamber submitted comments to the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) on the Regulation on Fair Competition Review, on 12th June.

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2023-01-29 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the National People’s Congress (NPC)on the Second Draft of Company Law

On 22 May, the Legal and Competition Working Group submitted comments to the National People’s Congress(NPC)on the Second Draft of Company Law

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2015-12-07 > Beijing

Meeting with SAIC on Anti-Monopoly Guidelines on the IPR Abuse

A meeting with SAIC was held to discuss on the latest version of the Anti-Monopoly Guidelines on the IPR Abuse SAIC is drafting.

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2015-09-21 > Shanghai

European Chamber Shanghai Meeting with Shanghai International Arbitration Center (SHIAC)

European Chamber Shanghai Legal and Competition WG Meeting with Shanghai International Arbitration Center

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2015-05-13 > Shanghai

Vice Chairman of EUCCC Shanghai Chapter Meeting with President of Shanghai Bar Association on Foreign Law Firm Practice in China

Vice Chairman of EUCCC Shanghai Chapter Meeting with Chairman of Shanghai Bar Association on Foreign Law Firm Practice in China

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2015-04-29 > Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Justice Bureau Deputy Director General Wang Xie

Meeting with Shanghai Justice Bureau Deputy Director General Wang Xie

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