Advocacy Actions

2017-11-28 > Shanghai

Meeting with Prof. Hu Shanlian on Position Paper and Health Insurance Policy

European Chamber Pharmaceutical Working Group GA Coordinator met with Prof. Hu Shanlian, Senior Consultant of Shanghai Health Development Research Center

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2017-11-23 > Shanghai

Comments on CFDA's Administrative Measures of Drug Registration

Pharmaceutical Working Group comments on CFDA's Administrative Measures of Drug Registration

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2017-11-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on SCLAO's Amendment of the Drug Administration Law of PRC (Draft for Comments)

Pharmaceutical Working Group Comments on SCLAO's Amendment of the Drug Administration Law of PRC (Draft for Comments)

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2017-09-28 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on Shanghai FDA's Trial Administrative Measures on Medical Representative Registration

Comments on Shanghai FDA's Trial Administrative Measures on Medical Representative Registration

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2017-09-22 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Comments to NPC on Anti-Unfair Competition Law (Second Draft for Review)

On September 22, 2017, the European Chamber submitted feedback received from members regarding the call for comments on the second review draft of revision on Anti-Unfair Competition Law issued by the National People’s Congress (NPC).

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2017-09-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on CDE's Catalogue of Marketed Drugs in China (Draft for Comments)

European Chamber Pharmaceutical Working Group comments on CDE's Catalogue of Marketed Drugs in China (Draft for Comments)

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2017-07-07 > Shanghai

Comments on CFDA's Announcement on Relevant Issues on Generics Quality and Efficacy Consistency Evaluation

European Chamber Comments on CFDA's Announcement on Relevant Issues on Generics Quality and Efficacy Consistency Evaluation

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2017-07-07 > Shanghai

Comments on CFDA's Inspection Guidelines on Generics Quality and Efficacy Consistency Evaluation

European Chamber Comments on CFDA's Inspection Guidelines on Generics Quality and Efficacy Consistency Evaluation

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2017-07-04 > All chapters

Letter to Medical Insurance Department of MOHRSS on Drug Renaming in NRDL

Letter to Medical Insurance Department of MOHRSS on Drug Renaming in NRDL

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2017-05-25 > All chapters

Comments on CFDA's Announcement 52, 53, 54, 55 on Encouraging Innovation in Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices

European Chamber Pharmaceutical Working Group submitted comments on CFDA's Announcement No. 52, 53, 54, 55 on encouraging innovation in pharmaceutical and medical device.

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