Advocacy Actions

2021-11-25 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to National Health Commission (NHC) on the Regulatory Measures of Internet-based Diagnosis and Treatment (Draft for Comment)

On 25th November, European Chamber Pharmaceutical Working Group submitted comments to National Health Commission (NHC) on the Regulatory Measures of Internet-based Diagnosis and Treatment (Draft for Comment).

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2021-11-17 > Shanghai

Comments to Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) on the Code of Practice for Managing the Suspension and Resumption of Review Timing in NMPA’s Drug Review Process (Trial) (Draft for comment)

On 17th November, the European Chamber Pharmaceutical Working Group submitted comments to Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) on the Code of Practice for Managing the Suspension and Resumption of Review Timing in NMPA’s Drug Review Process (Trial) (Draft for comment).

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2021-10-24 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the "Technical Specification for National Procedures and Services in Medicine" of the Health Development Reseach Institute

The Healthcare Equipment and the Pharmaceuticals Working Group submitted comments to the draft "Technical Specification for National Procedures and Services in Medicine", prepared by the Health Development Reseach Institute under the National Health Commission (NHC).

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2021-10-14 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Negative List of Market Access (2021 Edition) (Draft for Comment)

The Investment Working Group delivered comments to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Negative List of Market Access (2021 Edition) (Draft for Comment)

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2021-09-18 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Comments to China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) on the Draft Revision of the Guidelines for Patent Examination (Draft for Comment)

The European Chamber submitted comments to China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) on the Draft Revision of the Guidelines for Patent Examination (Draft for Comment).

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2021-09-17 > Shanghai

Pharmaceutical Working Group and Healthcare Equipment Working Group Meeting with EU Delegation and EU Member States Trade Consuls

On 17th September, European Chamber Pharmaceutical Working Group and Healthcare Equipment Working Group representatives met with EU Delegation and trade consuls from the General Consulates of Luxemberg, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, and Germany, and presented the work and key issues of the two working groups (WGs).

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2021-08-26 > Beijing, Shanghai

European Chamber Meeting with the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA)

On 26th August, the Chair of Pharmaceutical Working Group led a European Chamber delegation to visit the Division of the International Cooperation of the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA). The Division director welcomed delegates from the Chamber and expressed appreciations for chamber’s support to the NHSA.

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2021-07-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) Information Centre on Printing Requirements for Drug Traceability Identification and Drug Traceability Code Display Specification

The European Chamber submitted comments to National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) Information Centre on Printing Requirements for Drug Traceability Identification and Drug Traceability Code Display Specification.

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2021-07-16 > Beijing

Comments to the NHSA on the Healthcare Security Law (Draft for Comments)

On 16 July, the medical devices sector sent comments to the National Healthcare Security Administration on the Healthcare Security Law (Draft for Comments).

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2021-06-11 > Shanghai

Meeting with the Division of Biomedicine Industry, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology to discuss special policy briefing for Chamber members

On 11th June, the European Chamber Shanghai Chapter met with Deputy Division Director (DDD) Zhu Rong at the Division of Biomedicine Industry, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information to discuss organising special policy briefing.

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