Advocacy Actions

2022-08-24 > Beijing

Environment and Carbon Market Working Group Joint Event: The EU CBAM and its Impact on China

On Wednesday 24th August, the European Chamber Environment and Carbon Market Working Groups invited officials and industry experts from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Taxation and the Customs Union; the China National Institute of Standardization; the Carbon Research team at Refinitiv LSEG; and the former EU-China Relations Advisor at European Parliament to discuss recent developments with the EU CBAM and its potential impact on China.

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2022-06-07 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment (2022 Edition) (Draft for Comments)

On 7th June, the European Chamber submitted comments to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on the Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment (2022 Edition) (Draft for Comments).

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2022-03-31 > Beijing, Shanghai

Investment WG Chair Speech at the Trade Counsellors Meeting of French Consulate General in Shanghai

The National Chair of Investment Working Group, Jens Ewert, gave a presentation of Overview of the Investment Working Group and What European Chamber Members Think about China Today at the Trade Counsellors Meeting of French Consulate General in Shanghai.

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2022-03-01 > All chapters

European Chamber Attended CCPIT Online Seminar on Supply Chains

On 1st March, the European Chamber members attended the online seminar on supply chains hosted by the China Center for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). Members shared their insight and communicated their concerns over issues including China's R&D investment on the protection of intellectual property in the biotechnology field, market access for innovative technology and its market regulation, challenges in transiting to green energy, as well as second-hand chip issue in the automotive chip supply.
Chinese officials from International Trade Administration, China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) & scholars attended the meeting.

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2021-10-14 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Negative List of Market Access (2021 Edition) (Draft for Comment)

The Investment Working Group delivered comments to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Negative List of Market Access (2021 Edition) (Draft for Comment)

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2021-09-07 > Shanghai, National

ESG Seminar: New Energy and Carbon Neutrality

In order to better serve and support the development of Shanghai new energy industry and continuously attract foreign investment, this ESG seminar "New Energy and Carbon Neutrality" promotion conference was jointly organised by Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, and PwC. During the conference, the new energy industry development in Shanghai and the foreign investment environment and policies in Shanghai were introduced to key foreign enterprises to increase awareness on ESG investment incentives.

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2021-01-05 > All chapters

Chief Negotiator for CAI debriefs European Chamber representatives on the Agreement

On 5th January, Chief Negotiator for the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) Ms Maria Martin Prat and her team debriefed a group of Chamber industry representatives on the key points of the Agreement.

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2020-11-19 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the National People's Congress Standing Committee on the Personal Information Protection Law (Draft for Comments)

On 19th November, the European Chamber working groups submitted comments on the Personal Information Protection Law (draft) to the National People's Congress Standing Committee.

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2020-09-10 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the SH PC on the Shanghai Foreign Investment Regulations (Draft)

The Legal WG submitted comments to the SH PC on the Shanghai Foreign Investment Regulations (Draft).

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2020-06-23 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to NDRC on Development of Circular Economy during the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan

On 30th June, the European Chamber’s Environment and Investment working groups submitted comments to the NDRC on Development of Circular Economy during the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan.

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