Advocacy Actions

2021-01-05 > All chapters

Chief Negotiator for CAI debriefs European Chamber representatives on the Agreement

On 5th January, Chief Negotiator for the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) Ms Maria Martin Prat and her team debriefed a group of Chamber industry representatives on the key points of the Agreement.

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2020-12-22 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with PBOC - China Financial Standardisation Technical Committee (CFSTC)

The China Financial Standardization Technical Committee (CFSTC, SAC/TC 180) is a technical organization authorized by the Standardization Administration of the P. R. C. (SAC). CFSTC is a technical organization engaged in nationwide standardization in the financial sector and is responsible for the centralized management of standardization technology in the financial industry and for domestic work related to ISO/TC 68 and ISO/TC 222. The Standardization Administration of the P. R. C. has entrusted The People’s Bank of China to lead and manage China Financial Standardization Technical Committee. There are three sub-committees affiliated to CFSTC covering securities, insurance, and printing standardization, respectively.

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2020-12-10 > Beijing

Financial Services PP Presentation for CBIRC

On Thursday 10th December, the three Working Group Chairs of Banking & Securities WG, Insurance WG and Non-banking Financial Institutions WG presented their WG’s respective Position Paper to working level officials of the China Banking & Insurance Regulatory Committee.

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2020-12-01 > Beijing, Shanghai

Conference-call with CBIRC on Cross-selling Insurance Products

Many foreign insurance companies do not hold a cross selling qualification in China, whereas in the past, foreign insurance companies that have obtained this qualification only aim at selected business lines. As old-style applications for cross-selling licenses were stopped while back members have been in a kind of vacuum on this matter. In this conference-call, the progress on re-open applications for cross-selling of insurance products for insurance companies was discussed. It was also discussed what consumer finance companies and auto finance companies that wish to act as an intermediate of insurance and expect to see in terms of regulatory developments.

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2020-11-25 > Shanghai

European Chamber Shanghai Chapter Zhejiang Government Dialogue on Fintech

European Chamber Shanghai Chapter Zhejiang Government Dialogue on Fintech

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2020-10-28 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted Comments to CBIRC on the on Measures for Supervision of Internet Insurance Business (Draft for Comments)

On 28th October, the Insurance WG submitted comments to the China Banking & Insurance Regulatory Committee on the draft on Measures for Supervision of Internet Insurance Business (Draft for Comments).

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2020-09-09 > Beijing

Presentation of the Financial Services PP to Economic and Financial Counsellors

On 9th September, the Chairs of the Banking, Consumer Finance and Insurance Working Groups at the Chamber presented their respective Position Papers to EU Member State Economic and Financial Counsellors.

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2020-08-05 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted Comments on CBIRC’s Draft “Guidance on Implementing Comprehensive Reformation of Vehicle Insurance”

Upon the circulation of the draft within its relevant working group members, the Insurance working group on 5th August submitted comments for consideration of the CBIRC.

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2020-07-14 > Beijing

Market Access Team meeting on Financial Services

On 14th July European Chamber representatives joined a Market Access Team meeting on financial services organised by the EU Delegation.

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2020-06-12 > Beijing, Shanghai

Feedback on Industry Concerns to the EU Delegation ahead of the Meeting between the EU Ambassador H.E Mr. Nicholas Chapuis and CBIRC Chairman Mr. Guo Shuqing

On 12th July, members of the Consumer Finance & NBFI Working Group and the Insurance Working Group submitted their main urgent industry concerns and a updated version of their respective 'low-hanging fruits list' to the European Union Delegation in China ahead of the meeting between the EU Ambassador H.E Mr. Nicolas Chapuis, and the CBIRC Chairman Mr. Guo Shuqing.

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