Advocacy Actions

2020-01-31 > All chapters

Comments to SAMR on Draft Revisions to the Anti-monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft for Comment)

The European Chamber very much welcomes the SAMR's decision to collect opinions on the "Draft Revisions to the Anti-monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft for Comment)". Upon careful study of the draft and consultation with its members, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, led by its Legal and Compliance Working Group, has collated all member inputs and submitted suggestions to the SAMR Anti-monopoly Bureau for their consideration.

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2020-01-14 > Beijing

Meeting with the Remanufacture Committee of China Association of Automobile Manufactures

Representatives of the Chamber's Auto Components Working Group Discuss Cooperation with the Remanufacture Committee of China Association of Automobile Manufactures

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2019-12-12 > All chapters

Survey on access to standardisation activities

From 2nd to 12th December, the Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group, along with other relevant Working Groups, launched a survey to better understand the issues with access to standardisation activities of European businesses.

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2019-12-05 > Beijing

Concall with Team Leader for Remanufacturing Task Force of the National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization(CATARC)

5th December, Concall with Team Leader for Remanufacturing Task Force of the National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization(CATARC)

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2019-11-29 > Beijing

Exchange with the China Anti-Infringement and Anti-Counterfeit Innovation Strategy Alliance

CAASA exchanged with European Chamber auto components working group on the key recommendation related IP issue advocacy strategy

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2019-08-12 > Beijing

Attend and speak at the PCCPL Seminar on the Anti-monopoly Law (AML) in the Automotive Industry

Anti-monopoly Guideline in the Automotive Industry (AML Guideline)

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2019-07-20 > Shanghai

Meeting with the China Anti-Infringement and Anti-Counterfeit Innovation Strategy Alliance

CAASA meeting with European Chamber auto components working group representative to understand their priorities of the second half of 2019

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2019-07-13 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Comments to CAC on Measures on Security Assessment of Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information

The European Chamber's ICT, Cybersecurity and other working groups submitted collated comments to the CAC on the Measures on Security Assessment of Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information.

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