Advocacy Actions

2021-05-21 > All chapters

EU-China Green Development Dialogue II: Challenges and Opportunities in Building a Green Power System

The European Chamber organised the "EU-China Green Development Dialogue II: Opportunities and Challenges in Building a Green Power System", along with the Centre for International Economic and Technology Cooperation (CIETC) of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on Friday 21st May at 15:00-17:30, European Chamber Beijing Office. In this meeting, Mr Hu Zhaoguang from the State Grid Energy Research Institute focused on green power industry in China, Mr Liu Qiang from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on green energy policies, and Mr Yu Wenxuan from China University of Political Science and Law on green energy laws; while Mr William Zhao from Total and Ms Wang Hao from GIZ Sino-German Energy Partnership Project discussed about balancing between green energy and energy security, and the role of flexibility for a decarbonised power system.

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2021-05-14 > Beijing

European Chamber staff meet with German Embassy Economic & Industry Counsellor

The counsellor of the German Embassy would like to know about the working groups' operation , lobby actions and plans. She is seeking for some common points and mutual support for the advocacy to protect the interest of German business

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2021-05-14 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) on Recommended Standard on Connected Vehicles - Security Requirements of Data (Draft)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments to the National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) on Recommended Standard on Information Security Technology - Connected Vehicles - Security Requirements of Data (Draft).

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2021-05-06 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on the Interim Provisions on the Radio Regulation for Automotive Radar (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber sent collated comments to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on the Interim Provisions on the Radio Regulation for Automotive Radar (Draft for Comments).

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2021-04-26 > Beijing

Conference with the Centre for International Economic and Technology Cooperation (CIETC) on Carbon Neutrality Policy and Path in China and Europe

The European Chamber co-organised the event “Carbon Neutrality Policy and Path in China and Europe” along with the Centre for International Economic and Technology Cooperation (CIETC) of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on Monday 26th April at 14:00-17:00 at European Chamber Beijing Office.

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2021-04-23 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Comments to the Ministry Public Security on the Road Traffic Safety Law (2021 Revised Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments to the MPS on the Road Traffic Safety Law (2021 Revised Draft for Comments).

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2021-03-23 > Beijing

Meeting with Director of Equipment Division I, MIIT

On 23rd March, Automotive WG held a meeting with Director MA ChunSheng, of Equipment Division I, MIIT.

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2021-03-18 > Beijing

Working Group Meeting with Energy Research Institute under NDRC on China's Energy Development Trends

On 18th March, the European Chamber and China Energy Storage Alliance (CNEAS) co-organised a Working Group Meeting on China's Energy Development Trends: Finding Pathways To a Carbon Neutral Future.

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2021-03-04 > Shanghai

Submitted comments to Shanghai Municipal Regulatory Financial Bureau on the Interim Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Shanghai Financial Leasing Companies (Draft for Comments)

The Measures aim to regulate the operation of financial leasing companies in Shanghai, strengthen the supervision and management, prevent and reduce risks, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry, and be in accordance with the "Company Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Shanghai Local Financial Supervision and Administration Regulations" and the “Market Access Negative List” issued by National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC) and the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), and “Interim Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Financial Leasing Companies (Yinbaojianfa [2020] No. 22) “ issued by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC).

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2021-01-28 > All chapters

European Chamber automotive industry representatives meet with CAI negotiators

On 28th January member representatives from the Automotive Working Group met with CAI negotiators for a briefing on the impact of the Agreement on their industry.

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