Advocacy Actions

2018-11-19 > Beijing, Shanghai

Working Group Meeting with China Electronics Standardisation Institute (CESI) on Personal Information Security Impact Assessment and the Role of Standards in Cybersecurity Compliance Landscape

The European Chamber's Cybersecurity, Compliance and other relevant working groups organised a working group meeting on China's personal information security impact assessment system and the role of standards in cybersecurity compliance, featuring He Yanzhe, Technical Director, Security Review Division, China Electronics Standardisation Institute (CESI).

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2018-11-16 > Beijing

Comments to Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development (MOHURD) and China Information Consulting & Designing Institute Co., Ltd. (CICDI) on Technical Standard for Internet Security Facilities (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments on the Technical Standard for Internet Security Facilities (Draft for Comments) to the CICDI, which has been tasked by the MOHURD with formulating this mandatory national standard.

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2018-09-25 > Beijing

Chamber Hosts Seminar on VPN and Cloud Regulations

The European Chamber hosted a seminar on compliance with China's VPN and cloud regulations, featuring Dr Haibo Hu, deputy director and senior engineer at Industry and Planning Research Institute of China Academy of Information and Communication Technology (CAICT) & secretary-general of China Cross-border Data Telecommunications Industry Alliance (CDTIA).

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2018-07-27 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to MIIT on the Administrative Provisions on Using 5905-5925 MHz Frequency Band for Direct Connected Communication of Internet of Vehicles

The European Chamber’s ICT, Cybersecurity, Auto Components and Automotive working groups submitted collated comments in response to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's (MIIT's) public consultation on the Administrative Provisions on Using 5905-5925 MHz Frequency Band for Direct Connected Communication of Internet of Vehicles (Draft for Comments).

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2018-07-27 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to MPS on the Regulation on Classified Cybersecurity Protection (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber’s Cybersecurity and other relevant working groups submitted collated comments in response to the Ministry of Public Security's (MPS's) public consultation on the Regulation on Classified Cybersecurity Protection (Draft for Comments).

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2018-07-25 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to TC260 on the Security Impact Assessment Guide of Personal Information

The European Chamber’s Cybersecurity and other relevant working groups submitted collated comments in response to the National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee's (TC260)’s public consultation on the Security Impact Assessment Guide of Personal Information.

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2018-07-25 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to TC260 on the Security Controls of Critical Information Infrastructure

The European Chamber’s Cybersecurity and other relevant working groups submitted collated comments in response to the National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee's (TC260)'s public consultation on the Security Controls for Critical Information Infrastructure.

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2018-07-25 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to TC260 on the Cybersecurity Protection Requirements for Critical Information Infrastructure

The European Chamber’s Cybersecurity and other relevant working groups submitted collated comments in response to the National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee's (TC260)'s public consultation on the Cybersecurity Protection Requirements for Critical Information Infrastructure.

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2018-07-25 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to TC260 on the Secure Coding Guide for Application Software

The European Chamber’s Cybersecurity and other relevant working groups submitted collated comments in response to the National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee's (TC260)'s public consultation on the Secure Coding Guide for Application Software, calling for further clarification, and for the Coding Guide to be better aligned with other relevant standards in terms of their structures, requirements and the definition of key terms.

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2018-07-25 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to TC260 on the Cybersecurity Guide for Automotive Electronics Systems

The European Chamber’s Cybersecurity and other relevant working groups submitted collated comments in response to the National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee's (TC260)'s public consultation on the Cybersecurity Guide for Automotive Electronics Systems, with the aim of making the Guide more future-oriented and practical in its requirements.

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