Advocacy Actions

2021-02-07 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the Cyberspace Administration of China on the Administrative Measures on Internet Information Services (Amended Draft for Comments)

On 7th February, the European Chamber submitted collated comments to the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) on the Administrative Measures on Internet Information Services (Amended Draft for Comments).

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2021-02-05 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Experts and Officials from the Beijing Pilot Program on Cross-border Data Flow working group

The European Chamber company representatives met with experts and officials from the Beijing Pilot Program on Cross-border Data Flow Working Group for a seminar on the development of the pilot program and the application channels.

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2021-02-04 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with DG CONNECT, European Commission, On Updates on the 2020 ICT Policy Dialogue and the CAI

The European Chamber representatives met with officials from DG CONNECT, European Commission, for mutual updates on the 2020 EU-China ICT Policy Dialogue, Spectrum Regulation and the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment.

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2021-01-27 > All chapters

Roundtable Discussion on the draft Anti-Monopoly Law

The European Chamber was invited to the comment and discussion of the draft Anti-Monopoly Law by Ministry of Justice (MOJ).

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2021-01-22 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with CAI Negotiators (EU) on the Commitments Related to the Tech Industry

On 22nd January, the Negotiators for the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) met with the European Chamber ICT and Cybersecurity key representatives to brief on the specific commitments made in regards to the ICT sector.

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2021-01-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

Letter to the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) on the on the New Commercial Cryptography Import Licence and Export Control Lists

The European Chamber sent a meeting request and lobby letter the the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) on the newly released Commercial Cryptography Import Licence List and Export Control List that is effective since 1st January 2021.

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2021-01-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

Letter to the General Administration of Customs China (GACC) on the New Commercial Cryptography Import Licence and Export Control Lists

The European Chamber sent a lobby letter to the Department of General Operation, General Administration of Customs China (GACC) on the New Commercial Cryptography Import Licence and Export Control Lists, effective since 1st January 2021.

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2021-01-05 > All chapters

Chief Negotiator for CAI debriefs European Chamber representatives on the Agreement

On 5th January, Chief Negotiator for the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) Ms Maria Martin Prat and her team debriefed a group of Chamber industry representatives on the key points of the Agreement.

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2020-12-23 > Beijing, Shanghai

Letter to State Cryptography Administration (OSSCA) on the New Commercial Cryptography Import Licence and Export Control Lists

The European Chamber sent a letter to the State Cryptography Administration (OSSCA) on the New Commercial Cryptography Import Licence and Export Control Lists, requesting clarification on 8 questions on the new 'two lists', which comes into effect on 1st January 2021.

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2020-11-30 > All chapters

European Chamber representatives meet with Commission Deputy Director-General Khalil Rouhana

On Monday, 30th November, a number of industry representatives of the European Chamber led by President Joerg Wuttke met with the Deputy Director-General for DG CONNECT Mr Khalil Rouhana.

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